
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:48:36百科


美国戏剧运动,以黑人作家为黑人写作有关黑人生活的戏剧为其宗旨。第一部由美国黑人写的着名戏剧是詹姆斯.布朗(James Brown)写的《金恩.萧特韦》(1823)。美国南北战争後,黑人开始在黑脸歌舞秀中表演,至20世纪初,已有整个由黑人编写、制作和表演的音乐剧。第一个黑人剧作家的真正成功之作是格里姆凯(Angelina W. Grimke)的《丽秋》(1916)。黑人剧场是在1920年代和1930年代「哈林文艺复兴」时期兴盛起来的,1940年美国黑人剧院(American Negro Theater)和黑人剧作家公司(Negro Playwrights' Co.)稳固地建立起来。第二次世界大战後,黑人剧场逐渐取得更大进步,也更为激进,他们试图创立自己的神话,废除种族陈规,让黑人剧作家汇入主流。1965年黑人剧场最强的支持者巴拉卡建立了黑人艺术戏目剧院(Black Arts Repertory Theatre)。1980年代和1990年代富勒(Charles Fuller)和威尔逊均获得普立兹奖。

black theater

In the U.S., a dramatic movement encompassing plays written by, for, and about blacks. The first known play by an American black was James Brown's King Shotaway (1823). After the Civil War, blacks began to perform in minstrel shows, and musicals written, produced, and acted entirely by blacks appeared by c. 1900. The first real success of a black dramatist was Angelina W. Grimké's Rachel (1916). Theater flourished during the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s and '30s, and by 1940 the American Negro Theater and the Negro Playwrights' Co. were firmly established. After World War II black theater grew more progressive and militant, seeking to establish its own mythology, abolish racial stereotypes, and integrate black playwrights into the mainstream. Its strongest proponent, Amiri Baraka, established the Black Arts Repertory Theatre in 1965. In the 1980s and '90s Charles Fuller and August Wilson won Pulitzer Prizes.

本文标签: 黑人剧场  


