德州仪器公司(Texas Instruments, Inc.)
美国电子大厂,生产计算机、微处理器及数位讯号处理器。该公司最早是1930年由卡齐尔(John Karcher)和麦德摩(Eugene McDermott)所创办,总部设在德州达拉斯(Dallas),初期营运内容是提供地震学资料给石油公司。1951年才更名为德州仪器公司(简称:德仪TI),随後向西方电子(Western Electric)购买授权生产电晶体(transistors),1954年至1958年德仪成为世界上唯一有能力大量生产矽晶体(silicon transistors)的公司。1958年德仪的研究员基尔比(Jack Kilby)共同发明了积体电路(integrated circuit, IC),德仪也得到一笔经费用於研发弹道飞弹导航系统。1967年基尔比发明了掌上型计算机的基本设计,1970年代德仪的半导体事业持续成长,尤其是在1973年德仪开始生产电脑用的随机存取记忆体(dynamic random-access memory,简称DRAM,一般通称为记忆体,RAM)晶片之後。1982年德仪又研发出第一个单晶片数位讯号处理器(single-chip digital signal processor,简称DSP),并成为该产品市场的支配者。
English version:
Texas Instruments, Inc.
U.S. manufacturer of calculators, microprocessors, and digital signal processors. The direct antecedent to the company, which is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, was founded by John Karcher and Eugene McDermott in 1930 to provide seismographic data for the petroleum industry. In 1951 the company changed its name to Texas Instruments Inc. (TI), and the following year it purchased a license from Western Electric to manufacture transistors. From 1954 to 1958 TI was the only firm capable of producing silicon transistors in quantity. In 1958 Jack Kilby, a researcher at TI, coinvented the integrated circuit (IC), and TI received funding to develop ICs for use in ballistic missile guidance systems. In 1967 Kilby invented the basic design for handheld calculators. The 1970s saw continued growth in TI's semiconductor business, particularly after 1973, when the company began manufacturing dynamic random-access memory (DRAM, commonly shortened to RAM) chips for use in computers. In 1982 TI introduced the single-chip digital signal processor (DSP), whose market the company went on to dominate.