English version:
(from Middle French criquet, “goal stake”) Game played with a ball and bat by two sides of 11 players each on a large field centering on two wickets, each defended by a batsman. A bowler throws the ball (with a straight-arm overhand delivery), attempting to hit the wicket, which is one of several ways the batsman may be put out. Runs are scored each time the batsmen exchange positions without being put out. Cricket's origins are uncertain. It was first definitively recorded in England in the 1ate 16th cent, and the first set of rules was written in 1744. During England's colonial history, it was exported to countries around the world. Cricket matches are divided into innings consisting of one turn at bat (approximately 10 batters) for each team; depending on pregame agreement, a match may consist of either one or two innings. International championship tournaments are under the auspices of the Test and Country Cricket Board (TCCB).
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