English version:
Island (pop., 1988 est.: 105,560,000), Indonesia. Lying southeast of Malaysia and Sumatra, it is Indonesia's fourth largest island and contains more than half of the republic's population. Its area, including offshore Madura Island, is 51,038 sq mi (132,187 sq km). The capital of Java and of the republic is Jakarta. The island's highest point is Mount Semeru, an active volcano measuring 12,060 ft (3,676 m) high. It is inhabited by three major ethnic groups: the Javanese (who constitute 70% of the population), the Sundanese, and the Madurese. The fossilized remains of Homo erectus, or “Java man,” indicate that the island was occupied 800,000 years ago. Indian traders began arriving in the 1st century AD, bringing Hindu influences. The Majapahit dynasty was founded in eastern Java in 1293; it fell early in the 16th century when Muslim kingdoms arose. In 1619 the Dutch East India Co. took control of Batavia (Jakarta), and extended its influence. Ruled by the Dutch until the 1940s when it was occupied by Japan, it became part of the newly independent Republic of Indonesia in 1950.
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