
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:12:31百科


两类截然不同的动物︰海豚科、喙豚科和长吻海豚科等鲸类水生兽类;或是鯕鳅科海洋鱼类。兽类海豚是身材小而呈流线型的鲸类,通常有轮廓分明的喙形吻部。(它们常被称为鼠海豚,但应是指钝吻海豚。)熟知的种是海豚(D. delphis)和宽吻海豚(T. truncatus),这两种都属於海豚科,广泛分布於热带和温带海洋。海豚科约三十二种,分布於全球海域。大多数是灰色和灰黑色,或背面褐色腹面浅褐色,体长约1~4公尺。喙豚科有四属四种,体小,主要栖於淡水水域,生活在南美和亚洲,具细长吻,小眼,视力弱。长吻海豚科有三属八种。吻细长,栖息在热带河流和海洋中;有时列入海豚科。俗称海豚(C. hippuras)的鱼是一种供食用和娱乐的鱼。这种海豚栖息在热带和温带水域,头大而钝,体锥形,末端为细长的叉状尾。


Either of two types of animals: aquatic mammals or oceanic fishes. Mammalian dolphins are small toothed whales, usually with a well-defined, beaklike snout. (They are often called porpoises, but that name is properly reserved for a blunt-snouted whale family.) The common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and the bottlenose dolphin, both of the family Delphinidae, are found widely in warm temperate seas. Most of the 32 delphinid species are marine, gray, blackish or brown above and pale below; and about 3-13 ft (1-4 m) long. River dolphins (family Platanistidae; four species) live mainly in freshwater in South America and Asia. The little-known dolphins of the family Stenidae (eight species), or long-snouted dolphins, inhabit tropical rivers and oceans and are sometimes grouped with the Delphinidae. One of the two fish species, Coryphaena hippuras (family Coryphaenidae), also called mahimahi and dorado, is a popular food and sport fish of tropical and temperate waters worldwide. The pompano dolphin (C. equiselis) is similar. See also killer whale.


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本文标签: 海豚  


