
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:07:16百科


茜草科咖啡属热带常绿灌木。种子亦称咖啡或称咖啡豆,烘烤後磨碎加水调制成的饮料也称咖啡。该属二十五种或二十五种以上,大多数野生於东半球热带。最早知道和栽培的种是阿拉伯的小果咖啡(Coffea arabica),现主要栽种於拉丁美洲。粗壮咖啡(C. robusta)原产非洲东部和刚果盆地,现广泛种植於非洲和马达加斯加。野生咖啡树是常绿灌木,分枝上成束着生白色小花,具茉莉花香味。成熟浆果长1.5~1.8公分,红色。种子两粒,以平面相对紧靠排列,每粒种子外被薄而硬的内果皮和膜质表膜。温和型咖啡是小果咖啡中的优质品种,主要产自除巴西外的中、南美。粗壮咖啡味道居间,香味不如小果咖啡的品种,但越来越受欢迎,尤其是用其制成的可溶咖啡。咖啡含有大量的咖啡因,其效果是饮料受欢迎的一个重要因素。喝咖啡的历史可溯自15世纪的阿拉伯半岛。17世纪中叶传至欧洲,立刻受到人们的喜爱。现在全世界有1/3的人口饮用咖啡。


Tropical evergreen shrub of the genus Coffea, in the madder family, or its seeds, called beans; also, the beverage made by brewing the roasted and ground beans with water. Two of the 25 or more species, C. arabica and C. canephora, supply almost all of the world's coffee. Arabica coffee is considered to brew a more flavorful and aromatic beverage than Robusta, the main variety of C. canephora. Arabicas are grown in Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Indonesia; Robustas mainly in Africa. The shrub bears bouquets of small white flowers with a jasmine-like fragrance. The fruit, 0.5-0.75 in. (15-18 mm) long and red when mature, is called a cherry. Coffee contains large amounts of caffeine, whose effects have always been an important element in the drink's popularity. The drinking of coffee dates from the 15th century in Arabia. It reached Europe by the mid-17th century and immediately became hugely popular. Coffee is now consumed by about one-third of the world's population.


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本文标签: 咖啡  


