登山运动(mountaineering),亦称爬山运动(mountain climbing)。
登高的运动。是一项集体运动,每一名成员都对集体成就做出贡献,同时也受到集体成就的鼓舞。对登山者来说,登山运动的乐趣不仅在?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/224/266991.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>丁刚鞣挂蛔椒澹以陟锻腹鋈说募杩嗯Γ找嫣岣吲实堑氖炝烦潭纫约昂妥忱龅淖匀唤缦嘟哟ニ竦玫纳硇纳系穆恪2还溆姓怊岫嗟氖栈瘢故且悸堑狡渌暗奈O铡O执谝桓霰蝗苏鞣母叻迨前桌史澹?786年被人攀登。在1865年马特峰被攀登後,其他的阿尔卑斯山山峰也陆续被征服。到1910年左右,安地斯山脉、落矶山脉和其他西半球的大多数山峰都已被攀登,包括马金利山(1913)。1930年代开始在喜马拉雅山出现了一系列成功的登山者,1953年达到顶点,埃佛勒斯峰被希拉里和登京格.诺尔盖征服。1960年代登山运动越来越成为一项技术性运动,强调在攀登竖直岩石或冰面时使用专门的锚定、系绳和钩抓装置。
English version:
Sport of scaling mountains. It is a group activity, with each member both supporting and supported by the group's efforts. Its pleasures lie not only in the conquest of the peak but also in the physical and spiritual satisfactions brought about through intense personal effort, ever-increasing proficiency, and contact with natural grandeur. The greater rewards do not come without considerable risk and danger. The first great peak ascended in modern times was Mont Blanc, in 1786. Other Alpine peaks followed, capped by the ascent of the Matterhorn in 1865. By the 1910s, most peaks of the Andes, the Rockies, and other Western Hemisphere ranges had been climbed, including Mount McKinley (1913). Beginning in the 1930s a series of successful ascents of mountains in the Himalayas occurred, culminating in the 1953 ascent of Mount Everest by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. In the 1960s mountaineering became an increasingly technical sport, emphasizing the use of specialized anchoring, tethering, and grappling gear in the ascent of vertical rock or ice faces.
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