
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:59:13百科


Erasmus, Desiderius

荷兰牧师和人文主义学者,被视为16世纪最伟大的欧洲学者。生於鹿特丹,是牧师与医师之女的私生子,1492年进入修道院而奉派为牧师。他在巴黎大学求学并游历全欧,受到摩尔(St. Thomas More)与科利特(John Colet)影响。使他成名的第一本书是《箴言》(Adagia, 1500,1508),这是希腊及拉丁格言的评注合集。以编辑古典作家着作、教父的作品和《新约全书》而成名,他自己的作品包括了《基督教骑士手册》(Handbook of a Christian Knight, 1503)和《愚人颂》(Praise of Folly, 1509)。他利用义大利人文主义学者首倡的哲学方法,有助於为过去所作之历史评论奠定基础。藉着批评宗教滥权,他鼓励改革的热情,这分别见於新教的宗教改革运动和天主教的反宗教改革(Counter-Reformation)。虽然他认为马丁.路德有许多优点,他却有攻击他的压力;他站在独立的立场,同时驳斥了路德的得救预定论和教宗宣称的权力。


Erasmus, Desiderius

Dutch priest and humanist, considered the greatest European scholar of the 16th century. Born in Rotterdam, the illegitimate son of a priest and a physician's daughter, he entered a monastery and was ordained a priest in 1492. He studied at the University of Paris and traveled throughout Europe, coming under the influence of St. Thomas More and John Colet. The book that first made him famous was the Adagia (1500, 1508), an annotated collection of Greek and Latin proverbs. He became noted for his editions of classical authors, Church Fathers, and the New Testament as well as for his own works, including Handbook of a Christian Knight (1503) and Praise of Folly (1509). Using the philological methods pioneered by Italian humanists, he helped lay the groundwork for the historical-critical study of the past. By criticizing ecclesiastical abuses, he encouraged the growing urge for reform, which found expression both in the Protestant Reformation and in the Catholic Counter-Reformation. Though he saw much to admire in Martin Luther, he came under pressure to attack him; he took an independent stance, rejecting both Luther's doctrine of predestination and the powers claimed for the papacy.

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