北美西南部印第安人。在文化上可分为︰东阿帕契人(Eastern Apache),包括梅斯卡莱罗人(Mescaler)、吉卡里拉人(Jicarilla)、奇里卡瓦人(Chiricahua)、利潘人(Lipan);西阿帕契人(Western Apache),包括西贝奎人(Cibecue)。东阿帕契人生活以狩猎和采集野生植物为主,西阿帕契人似乎较东阿帕契人更为安於种植。阿帕契人的祖先明显地来自北方,但在引进马匹之後,曾被科曼奇人(Comanche)和犹他人(Ute)逼迫迁往南方和西方。他们曾试着对西班牙、墨西哥及後来的美国修好,但自1861年起爆发了美国军队、阿帕契人和纳瓦霍人(Navajo)间的战争,阿帕契战争於边界激烈地展开。阿帕契战争在1886年结束,吉拉尼谟(Geronimo)及其残部投降,奇里卡瓦人被逐出西部地区,持续囚禁在佛罗里达、阿拉巴马和奥克拉荷马。至今,全部居民约为1.1万人,大部分居住在亚利桑纳和新墨西哥等地的保留区内或附近。亦请参阅Cochise
English version:
American Indians of the southwestern U.S. Culturally, the Apache are divided into Eastern Apache, which include the Mescalero, Jicarilla, Chiricahua, and Lipan, and Western Apache, which include the Cibecue. The Eastern Apaches were predominantly hunting and gathering societies, while their Western counterparts relied more on farming. Their ancestors had come down from the north to settle the Plains, but with the introduction of the horse they were pressed south and west by the Comanche and Ute. They attempted to be friends of the Spanish, the Mexicans, and later the Americans. In 1861, however, there began a quarter-century confrontation between U.S. military forces and the Apache and Navajo. The Apache wars were among the fiercest fought on the frontier. The last ended in 1886 with the surrender of Geronimo. The Chiricahua Apache were evacuated from the West and held successively in Florida, Alabama, and Oklahoma. The Apache today total about 11,000 and live largely on or near reservations in Arizona and New Mexico. See also Cochise.