Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
美国法学家、法学史家和哲学家。霍姆兹的儿子,母亲杰克森(A. L. Jackson)是麻萨诸塞州高等法院法官的女儿。美国内战期间任军官,曾三次受重伤。1867年起开始在波士顿?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/223/304897.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>邮路晒ぷ鳎?882~1899年任副法官,1899~1902年任麻萨诸塞州最高法院首席法官。在所着《普通法》一书里,他提出了「法律是积累的经验而非科学」的论点。1902年罗斯福总统任命他为美国联邦最高法院大法官。霍姆兹主张:立法是立法机关的事,而不是法院。在「申克诉美国案」(1919)中,他阐明了关於限制言论自由的基础是「明显而现实的危险」的概念。他的许多强硬和明晰的观点,包括那些反对的意见(被称为伟大的异议者),都成为法律的经典诠释,被视为当代最前卫的法学家之一。他一直服务到1932年。
English version:
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
U.S. jurist, legal historian, and philosopher. He was born in Boston to Oliver Wendell Holmes and Amelia Lee Jackson, daughter of a Massachusetts supreme court justice. As an officer in the American Civil War, he was seriously wounded three times. He practiced law in Boston from 1867, eventually serving as an associate justice (1882-99) and then chief justice (1899-1902) of the state supreme court. In The Common Law (1881), he advanced the notion of law as accumulated experience rather than science. Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court by Pres. Theodore Roosevelt in 1902, Holmes advocated judicial restraint, maintaining that lawmaking was the business of legislative bodies rather than courts. In Schenk vs. U.S. (1919), he stated the “clear and present danger” test for freedom of speech. Many of his vigorous and lucid opinions, including dissenting opinions (he was known as The Great Dissenter), became classic interpretations of the law, and he is regarded as one of the foremost jurists of the modern age. He served until 1932.