Yamagata Aritomo
日本议会政体下的第一位首相(1889~1891,1898~1900)。出身为长州藩最下层的武士家庭。为提出「尊王攘夷」口号的改革派分子。1863年被选为长州藩改革派组成的骑兵队指挥官。1864年下关事件(西方列强的混合舰队炮轰长州)使他认清,要拥有与西方列强相等的现代化武器。参与明治维新後,出国学习军事基本原理。後任约一万名士兵的帝国近卫军司令。实行徵兵制;1877年山县统军平乱,西乡隆盛在萨摩藩武士起兵反对政府。政治上他比伊藤博文更为保守。身为日本首相,采取扩张政策,在中国发生义和团运动时,日本在八国联军中出兵最多。他尽力镇压在日本国内刚出现的劳工运动。退休後,仍担任枢密院议长。亦请参阅Meiji Constitution、Meiji period。
English version:
Yamagata Aritomo
First prime minister under Japan's parliamentary regime (1889-91, 1898-1900). As a samurai youth in Choshu, Yamagata was among those who answered the foreign threat with the slogan Sonno joi, “Honor the emperor and expel the barbarians.” Bombardment of the Choshu coast in 1864 convinced him of the need for modern armaments. After participating in the Meiji Restoration, he went abroad to research military institutions. He became commander of an Imperial Guard of 10,000 troops. When he introduced conscription, bearing arms ceased to be the exclusive prerogative of a warrior class. His forces defeated Saigo Takamori's troops in 1877. In politics he was more conservative than his contemporary Ito Hirobumi, favoring a strong executive. As prime minister, his policies were expansionist; Japan sent the largest of all foreign forces to China to quell the Boxer Rebellion. He increased the autonomy of the military and tried to suppress an incipient social-labor movement. After retirement, he continued to wield power as a genro (elder statesman). See also Meiji Constitution, Meiji period.