
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:16:32百科


在极多人中重新分散风险的契约,使个人所遭遇的意外减少损失。为了特定金额(保险费)的回报,保险业者同意:在保险契约(保险单)涵盖范围内,意外事件发生导致受保险人蒙受损失时,支付受保险人或受益人一定数额的金钱。藉着集合众多保险签约者的贡金和风险,在典型情况下,在任何时期保险业者皆能够比未保险之个人吸收更多损失。保险业者可为有能力付费的任何个人提供保险,也能与团体的成员(例如公司的雇员)订立契约,以提供团体保险的特殊利率。海洋保险涵盖了船只与航程,是保险中最古老的形式;它的起源是古代贷款给船主而仅在安全完成航程的情况下可以获得回报,并在中世纪的欧洲成为正式做法。火灾保险在17世纪兴起,而其他财产保险的形式随着19世纪工业化扩展而变得普遍。如今,投保任何种类的财产险都是可能的,包括家庭保险、企业保险、机动车辆保险、快捷货品保险等。亦请参阅casualty insurance、health insurance、liability insurance、life insurance。


Contract that, by redistributing risk among a large number of people, reduces losses from accidents incurred by an individual. In return for a specified payment (premium), the insurer undertakes to pay the insured or his beneficiary a specified amount of money in the event that the insured suffers loss through the occurrence of an event covered by the insurance contract (policy). By pooling both the financial contributions and the risks of a large number of policyholders, the insurer is typically able to absorb losses incurred over any given period much more easily than would the uninsured individual. Insurers may offer insurance to any individual able to pay, or may contract with members of a group (e.g., employees of a firm) to offer special rates for group insurance. Marine insurance, covering ships and voyages, is the oldest form of insurance; it originated in ancient times with loans to shipowners that were repayable only on safe completion of a voyage, and it was formalized in medieval Europe. Fire insurance arose in the 17th century, and other forms of property insurance became common with the spread of industrialization in the 19th century. It is now possible to insure almost any kind of property, including homes, businesses, motor vehicles, and goods in transit. See also casualty insurance, health insurance, liability insurance, life insurance.


  • 根据《工伤保险条例》,劳动能力鉴定由用人单位、工伤职工或者其近亲属向设区的市级劳动能力鉴定委员会提出申请,并提供工伤认定决定和职工工伤医疗的有关资料。法律题库
  • 根据《工伤保险条例》,工人赵某为逃避劳动,故意砸伤自己的脚踝骨,应当认定为工伤。法律题库
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本文标签: 保险  


