
杂烩百科2023-02-02 17:16:30百科


个人行为和情感特徵的总和。人格涵盖人的情绪、态度、意见、动机,还有思考、知觉、说话、表现的风格。人格造成个人独特性的一部分。人格理论早已存在於大部分的文化和有史记载中。古希腊人运用生理学观念来解释气质的异同。18世纪康德、孟德斯鸠、维科提出理解个人及团体差异的方法,而在20世纪早期,克雷奇默和心理分析学家弗洛伊德、阿德勒、容格等人都提出了竞争性的人格理论。弗洛伊德的模式基础是受到原我、自我、超我结构成分调和的性心理驱力,还有意识与无意识动机的交互作用。个人所运用的一系列防卫机制是特别重要的。和弗洛伊德一样,容格强调无意识动机,但不强调性,他提出一种典型理论,把人区分为内倾与外倾,并宣称个别人格是源自传承性种族记忆库「集体无意识」的人格面貌(社会面貌)。後来埃里克松、奥尔波特、罗杰兹的理论也具有影响力。当代的人格研究倾向经验主义(以投射测验的施行或人格调查表为基础)而理论上较不全面,强调个人的认同及发展。人格特质通常被视为遗传倾向和经验的产物。亦请参阅personality disorder、psychological testing。


Totality of an individual's behavioral and emotional characteristics. Personality embraces a person's moods, attitudes, opinions, motivations, and style of thinking, perceiving, speaking, and acting. It is part of what makes each individual distinct. Theories of personality have existed in most cultures and throughout most of recorded history. The ancient Greeks used their ideas about physiology to account for differences and similarities in temperament. In the 18th century, Immanuel Kant, C.-L. Montesquieu, and Giambattista Vico proposed ways of understanding individual and group differences; in the early 20th century Ernst Kretschmer and the psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Gustav Jung offered competing personality theories. Freud's model rested on the power of psychosexual drives as mediated by the structural components of the id, ego, and superego and the interplay of conscious and unconscious motives. Particularly important was the array of defense mechanisms an individual employed. Jung, like Freud, emphasized unconscious motives but de-emphasized sexuality and advanced a typal theory that classified people as introverts and extroverts, and claimed that an individual personality was a persona (social facade) drawn from the “collective unconscious,” a pool of inherited racial memories. Later theories by Erik Erikson, Gordon W. Allport, and Carl R. Rogers were also influential. Contemporary personality studies tend to be empirical (based on the administration of projective tests or personality inventories) and less theoretically sweeping, and to emphasize personal identity and development. Personality traits are usually seen as the product of both genetic predisposition and experience. See also personality disorder, psychological testing.


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本文标签: 人格  


