单簧片木管乐器,用於管弦乐队、军乐队、铜管乐队。通常用非洲黑檀木制造,管体呈圆筒形,下端为张开的喇叭口。普通的单簧管为B调,管长约66公分,吹出的音比记谱低一个全音。高音区采用第五和第七泛音,而将音域扩展到从中央C以下的D音(记谱为E)向上的3个8度。单簧管的前身为2键的芦管,单簧管於18世纪初由德国着名长笛制造家登纳(J. C. Denner, 1655~1707)发明。工艺上的进步包括将音键安装在支柱上,采用长笛制造家博姆(T. Boehm)所创用的圈键以及巴菲特(A. Buffet)的针尖弹簧,这些改进在1840年代导致形成两种主要现代体系。比较简单的阿尔贝特体系因其制造者布鲁塞尔人尤金.阿尔贝特的姓氏而命名,这是单簧管制造者缪勒(I. Muller)的早期13键体系的现代化形式,用於德语国家;有一套复杂的辅助音键装置,但管体、吹口与簧片(较小而硬)比较老式,声音比较低沈。博姆体系在大多数国家通用,它采用博姆的1832年长笛指法体系,具有许多技巧上的优点。与其他体系的不同之处在於背部的拇指圈键和供右手小指用的4或5个键。
English version:
Single-reed woodwind instrument. It is a standard member of both orchestras and bands. It has a cylindrical bore and a flared bell, and is usually made of African blackwood (grenadilla). It has a 312-octave range; its lower register is rich and its top register is brilliant. It developed from the slightly older two-key chalumeau; the German flutemaker Johann Christoff Denner (1655-1707) is said to have invented it at the beginning of the 18th century. The B-flat clarinet is the standard instrument today; the A clarinet often replaces it in sharp keys. Clarinets with the fingering system devised by T. Boehm are standard in America, Britain, and France; those employing an older fingering style are used in Germany and Russia. The B-flat bass clarinet, with its rich timbre, is the next most frequently employed member of the clarinet family. The basset horn is an angled clarinet pitched a 4th lower than the standard B-flat clarinet; probably invented in Bavaria c. 1770, it had largely fallen out of use by 1850.