Armstrong, Lance
美国自由车选手,环法自由车赛(Tour de France)三次冠军得主(1999~2001)。1992年加入摩托罗拉队,开始自由车职业生涯。1993和1995年赢得环法自由车赛分站比赛,但在1993~1996年四次比赛中抽身。1996年比赛之後,阿姆斯壮罹患睾丸癌,当时已经扩散到肺和脑。随後是几个月的治疗,直到他能够复出为止。1998年赢得卢森堡自由车赛(Tour de Luxem bourg),这是他病後第一个重要的竞赛。1999年7月25日,他成为有史以来第二位赢得环法自由车赛的美国人,也是第一位为美国队赢得比赛的选手(三度冠军得主勒蒙德〔G. LeMond〕随欧洲队伍出赛)。2000年7月23日阿姆斯壮再度获胜,使他在1999年的胜利得到信服,也为评论家怀疑他服用增强药物提供解答。2001年在环法自由车赛获胜,显示阿姆斯壮正值颠峰,特别是在山区分站赛。
English version:
Armstrong, Lance
American cyclist and three-time winner of the Tour de France (1999-2001). Armstrong began his professional cycling career in 1992 when he joined the Motorola team. He won stages of the Tour de France in 1993 and 1995 but withdrew from three of four Tours he attempted from 1993 to 1996. After the 1996 Tour Armstrong fell ill, suffering from testicular cancer that had by that time also spread to his lungs and brain. Months of treatments followed before he could attempt his comeback. In 1998 Armstrong won the Tour of Luxembourg, his first important race since his illness, and on July 25, 1999, Armstrong became the second American ever to win the Tour de France and the first to win it for an American team (three-time winner Greg LeMond had raced with European teams). Armstrong felt his July 23, 2000, win of the Tour to be a vindication of his 1999 victory and an answer to critics who had suspected his use of performance-enhancing substances. His 2001 Tour victory showed Armstrong at his best, especially on the mountain stages.