
杂烩百科2023-02-02 16:17:40百科


日本的绘画、书法、雕塑以及其他美术和装饰艺术品之统称。日本视觉艺术品以其色彩浓重而富於生命力见长。它深受中国视觉艺术和佛像画法的影响。中国单色的水墨画与书法作品对日本绘画的发展扮演了重要作用。日本人醉心於从自然中作出抽象的喜好,在16~18世纪的屏风画中表现得淋漓尽致。约在同一时期,还出现了木刻版画,以後发展成为大众所喜爱的彩色浮世绘。日本最早的雕塑作品是小泥人像(称作「埴轮」),後来以木雕佛像为主题。自8世纪起,中国的柱桁架构营造风格较本土建筑形式更受欢迎(参阅Chinese architecture)。日本人还以装饰艺术闻名,尤以陶器、景泰蓝和漆器的花饰更享盛名;不过显然受大陆影响之处颇多,发展了独特的本土陶器风格。亦请参阅Fujiwara style、Hiroshige Ando、Hokusai、Ike Taiga、ikebana、Jocho、Jogan style、Kaikei、Ogata Kenzan、Okumura Masanobu、paper folding、scroll painting、Tempyo style、Tori style、Unkei、Utamaro。

Japanese art

Painting, sculpture, architecture, calligraphy, and other fine and decorative arts produced in Japan. Characterized by their vibrancy, life, and color, they have been strongly influenced by Chinese visual arts and Buddhist iconography. The Chinese style of monochrome ink painting and calligraphy greatly influenced the development of Japanese painting. A fascination with abstraction from nature is most notable in screen and panel paintings of the 16th-18th century and in the polychrome woodcut, which evolved into the popular ukiyo-e print. Early Japanese sculpture featured small clay figures and carved wooden statues of Buddhist subjects. The Chinese post-and-beam style overshadowed most indigenous forms of architecture (see Chinese architecture). The Japanese are renowned for their pottery, cloisonné, lacquerwork, and other decorative arts; despite influence by continental styles, a distinctive indigenous pottery developed. See also Fujiwara style, Hiroshige Ando, Hokusai, Ike no Taiga, ikebana, Jocho, Jogan style, Kaikei, Ogata Kenzan, Okumura Masanobu, paper folding, scroll painting, Tempyo style, Tori style, Unkei, Utamaro.

本文标签: 日本艺术  


