希腊剧作家。与艾斯克勒斯和索福克里斯为希腊三大悲剧作家。他与安那克萨哥拉有交往。他对希腊宗教保持疑问的态度在某些剧本中反映出来。西元前455年首次被荣幸选中参加戴奥尼索斯节(festival of Dionysus)的比赛,西元前441年赢得第一次胜利。他共参加了二十二次比赛,每次撰写四部剧本。尤利比提斯编写出九十二部剧本。流传至今的有十九部。包括《美狄亚》(Medea,西元前431年)、《希波吕托斯》(Hippolytus,西元前428年)、《厄勒克特拉》(Electra,西元前418年)、《特洛伊的妇女》(The Trojan Women,西元前415年)、《伊翁》(Ion,西元前413年)、《伊菲革涅亚在奥利斯》(Iphigenia at Aulis,西元前406年)和《酒神的伴侣》(The Bacchae,西元前406年)。尤利比提斯剧本的主要结构特色是使用序幕和舞台机关送神。在制造人物的悲剧命运方面,尤利比提斯不同於艾斯克勒斯和索福克里斯,他几乎完全基於人物本身的天性缺陷和难以控制的激情。机遇、混乱、人类的背理和乱伦常常并不是导致一种最终的和解或道德转化,而是导致一种显然是毫无意义的受难,连神仙对这种受难也漠然视之。
English version:
Greek playwright. With Aeschylus and Sophocles, he is recognized as one of Athens' three great tragic dramatists. An associate of Anaxagoras, he expressed his questions about Greek religion in his plays. Repeatedly chosen to compete in the dramatic festival of Dionysus, beginning in 455 BC, he won his first victory in 441. He competed 22 times, writing four plays for each occasion. Of his 92 plays, about 19 survive, including Medea (431 BC), Hippolytus (428), Electra (418), The Trojan Women (415), Ion (413), Iphigenia at Aulis (406), and The Bacchae (406). Many of his plays include prologues and rely on a deus ex machina. Unlike Aeschylus and Sophocles, Euripides made his characters' tragic fates stem almost entirely from their own flawed natures and uncontrolled passions. Chance, disorder, and human irrationality and immorality frequently result in apparently meaningless suffering that is looked on with indifference by the gods.