Dylan, Bob,原名Robert Zimmerman。
美国歌手和作曲家,在明尼苏达州杜鲁日和铁矿城希宾(Hibbing)度过游荡不定的童年,後以狄伦为姓(取自诗人狄伦.汤玛斯之名)到全国各地旅行。他在生活和歌唱方面都刻意模仿民谣歌手格思里(W. Guthrie),在纽约市格林威治村的咖啡屋中开始其职业演唱生涯。1960年代早期录制的几张唱片使他获得认同,其中〈随风飞扬〉和〈正在改变的时代〉两首曲子成为民权运动之歌。巴布狄伦写的歌以民谣传统为根底,特别是使用简单旋律方面,许多曲子配上隐喻和寓意的歌词,显示一种以往美国民谣音乐中少见的诗艺。1965年巴布狄伦采用与过去社会抗议歌曲和非电子乐器截然有别的许多摇滚乐节奏和电子扩音乐器,具有里程碑意义的专辑唱片有《重访61号公路》(1965)和《金发人论金发人》(1966),奠定了他作为摇滚乐领导人物的地位,盛名达到顶峰。随着1966年的摩托车意外和一段时间的离群索居之後,巴布狄伦做了另一次音乐转向,发表了数张专辑(最有名的是1969年的《纳什维尔地平线》),以轻柔、沈思的声调及使用乡村音乐要素而出人意表。後期的专辑有《轨道上的血迹》(1975)、《异教徒》(1983)、《被遗忘的时光》(1997)等。可能是同时代美国歌手中最令人赞叹、最具影响力的。
English version:
Dylan, Bob
U.S. singer and songwriter. He grew up in Duluth and the iron-range town of Hibbing, Minn., adopted the name of the poet Dylan Thomas, and traveled around the U.S. in imitation of W. Guthrie. He began performing professionally in Greenwich Village coffeehouses, and in the early 1960s began releasing albums that brought him admiring attention. His songs “Blowin' in the Wind” and “The Times They Are a-Changin'” became anthems of the civil-rights movement, and “Mr. Tambourine Man” was interpreted as a paean to hallucinogenic drugs. In 1965 he adopted electrically amplified instruments and the rhythms of rock and roll in a major departure. The landmark albums Highway 61 Revisited (1965) and Blonde on Blonde (1966) established him as a leading figure in rock, bringing him to the pinnacle of his popularity. After a motorcycle accident in 1966, he underwent another musical turnabout and released several albums (notably Nashville Skyline, 1969) that, with their muted, reflective tone and their use of country-music elements, again surprised his public. His many later albums have included Blood on the Tracks (1975) and Time out of Mind (1997). He is perhaps the most admired and influential American songwriter of his time.