
杂烩百科2023-02-02 19:35:05百科


Hindenburg, Paul von

全名为Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg

德国陆军元帅,威玛共和的第二届总统(1925~1934)。他出生於普鲁士贵族家庭,1911年他以普鲁士军队的将军身分退休。第一次世界大战中又应召入伍,指挥东普鲁士的德国军队,在坦能堡战役(1914)後成为国家英雄。主要依靠鲁登道夫的帮助,战争结束前他一直只是名义上指挥着全部德国军队,1919年再一次退休。在保守集团的支援下,1925年他当选为德国总统。当时发生的大萧条导致了政治危机,他被迫使政府从议会的控制下更多地独立出来。1930年,他?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/224/264961.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>米芾泶蟪疾悸滥ソ饩?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/224/270627.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>国会纵火案的问题,然後在新的一次选举中纳粹就作为第二大党出现了。1932年,纳粹的反对派又推选他为总统,然而,他的顾问们认为纳粹是有用的,於是说服他在1933年任命希特勒为内阁总理大臣。


Hindenburg, Paul von

German field marshal and second president (1925-34) of the Weimar Republic. Born to an aristocratic Prussian family, he retired from the Prussian army as a general in 1911. Recalled to duty in World War I, he commanded German forces in East Prussia and became a national hero after the Battle of Tannenberg (1914). With Erich Ludendorff as his chief aide, he nominally commanded all German forces until the end of the war, then retired again in 1919. Supported by conservative groups, he was elected president of Germany in 1925. When the Great Depression led to a political crisis, he was pressured to make the government more independent of parliamentary controls. In 1930 he allowed Chancellor Heinrich Bruning to dissolve the Reichstag, and in the new elections the Nazis emerged as the second-largest party. In 1932 he was reelected president by opponents of the Nazis; however, his advisers considered the Nazis useful, and in 1933 he was persuaded to appoint Adolf Hitler chancellor.

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