
杂烩百科2023-02-02 19:32:40百科


Arthur, Chester A(lan)

美国第二十一任总统(1881~1885),生於佛蒙特州北费尔菲尔德(North Fairfield)。1854年进入纽约律师界,积极参加共和党地方政治活动,与纽约共和党首领参议员康克林(Roscoe Conkling)关系密切。1871~1878年被任命为纽约港的税收官员。纽约海关长期以来即以公然滥用政党分赃制而着称。虽然阿瑟秉公处理海关业务,但他仍然使忠於康克林的人充斥海关。1880年以共和党候选人资格当选为副总统,伽菲尔德总统被暗杀後,他接任总统职务。但他终究和政治献金脱离不了关系。他也签署了彭德尔顿法案(Pendleton Act),依据其所列之优点而建立了市民服务系统。他和他的海军部长提出了一项拨款,着手重建美国的海军,使它的力量达到了後来和西班牙作战时的水平。後来争取连任的党内提名失败。


Arthur, Chester A(lan)

21st president of the U.S. (1881-85). Born in North Fairfield, Vt., he practiced law in New York City from 1854. He became active in local Republican politics and a close associate of Roscoe Conkling, and was appointed customs collector for the port of New York (1871-78), an office long known for its employment of the spoils system. He conducted the business of the office with integrity but continued to pad its payroll with Conkling loyalists. At the Republican national convention in 1880, Arthur became the compromise choice for vice president on the ticket with James Garfield, and became president on Garfield's assassination. As president, Arthur displayed unexpected independence by vetoing measures that rewarded political patronage. He also signed the Pendleton Act, which created a civil-service system based on merit. He and his navy secretary recommended the appropriations that initiated the rebuilding of the U.S. Navy toward the strength it achieved in the Spanish-American War. He failed to win his party's nomination for a second term.

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