正式名称西班牙王国(Kingdom of Spain)
在西班牙境内曾发现约35,000年前石器时代的人类遗迹。西元前9世纪,塞尔特人来到这里,接着是罗马人。自西元前200年,罗马人统治了西班牙,直到5世纪初西哥德人入侵。8世纪初,半岛大部分地区落入来自北非的穆斯林(摩尔人)手中,此後一直由穆斯林控制直到该地区逐渐被卡斯提尔和亚拉冈的基督教王国及葡萄牙又重新占领。随着亚拉冈的费迪南德二世和卡斯提尔的伊莎贝拉一世的成婚,西班牙於1479年统一。1492年,征服了最後穆斯林王国格拉纳达。大约此时,西班牙也在美洲建立了殖民帝国。1561年将王位传给哈布斯堡王朝。1700年,腓力五世成为西班牙第一个波旁国王,结束哈布斯堡王室统治。腓力登基引发了西班牙王位继承战争,结果丧失了许多欧洲属地,使多数西班牙美洲殖民地的人民受到鼓舞,纷纷起来革命。1898年的美西战争(参阅Cuba、Guam、Philippines和Puerto Rico),西班牙在海外所剩的属地丧失给美国。1931年西班牙成为一个共和国。西班牙内战(1936~1939)由佛朗哥(F. Franco)将军领导下的国家主义者取得胜利後告终。佛朗哥独裁统治至1975年去世。国家元首的继承人--胡安.卡洛斯就任王位,恢复君主体制。1978年新宪法,实行君主议会制。1982年加入北大西洋公约组织。1986年加入欧洲共同体。1992年为纪念哥伦布从西班牙首航美洲五百周年,西班牙在塞维尔举办博览会并在巴塞隆纳举办奥运会以示庆祝。1990年代西班牙同其他欧洲国家发展了较密切的关系,不过,国内仍受到巴斯克分离主义者要求独立的威胁。
English version:
SpanishEspa?aCountry, southwestern Europe. One of Europe's largest countries, it is located on the Iberian Peninsula; it also includes the Balearic and Canary islands. Area: 195,364 sq mi (505,990 sq km). Population (2000 est.): 40,128,000. Capital: Madrid. The people are predominantly Spanish, though there are populations of Basques, Catalans, and Gypsies (Roma). Languages: Castilian Spanish (official), Catalan, Galician, and Basque. Religions: Roman Catholicism (two-thirds), Islam. Monetary unit: euro. Spain's large central plateau is surrounded by the Ebro River valley, the mountainous Catalonia region, the Mediterranean coastal region of Valencia, the Guadalquivir River valley, and the mountainous region extending from the Pyrenees to the Atlantic coast. It has a developed market economy based on services, light and heavy industries, and agriculture. Mineral resources include iron ore, mercury, and coal; agricultural products include grains and livestock. Spain is one of the world's major producers of wine and olive oil. Tourism is also a major industry, especially along the southern Costa del Sol. It is a constitutional monarchy with two legislative houses. Its chief of state is the king, and the head of government is the prime minister. Remains of Stone Age populations dating back some 35,000 years have been found throughout Spain. Celtic peoples arrived in the 9th century BC, followed by the Romans, who dominated Spain from c. 200 BC until the Visigoth invasion in the early 5th century. In the early 8th century most of the peninsula fell to Muslims (Moors) from North Africa and remained under their control until it was gradually reconquered by the Christian kingdoms of Castile, Aragon, and Portugal. Spain was reunited in 1479 following the marriage of Ferdinand V (of Aragon) and Isabella I (of Castile). The last Muslim kingdom, Granada, was reconquered in 1492, and around this time Spain also established a colonial empire in the Americas. In 1516 the throne passed to the Habsburgs, whose rule ended in 1700 when Philip V became the first Bourbon king of Spain. His ascendancy caused the War of the Spanish Succession, which resulted in the loss of numerous European possessions and sparked revolution within most of Spain's American colonies. It lost its remaining overseas possessions to the U.S. in the Spanish-American War (1898) (see Cuba, Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico). Spain became a republic in 1931. The Spanish Civil War (1936-39) ended in victory for the Nationalists under General Francisco Franco, who ruled as dictator until his death in 1975. His successor as head of state, Juan Carlos I, restored the monarchy upon his accession to the throne; a new constitution in 1978 established a parliamentary monarchy. Spain joined NATO in 1982 and the European Community in 1986. The 1992 quincentennial of Christopher Columbus's first voyage from Spain to the Americas was marked by a fair in Sevilla (Seville) and the staging of the Olympic Games in Barcelona. In the 1990s Spain developed closer ties to other European countries but continued to suffer internally as Basque separatists pressed their claims for independence.
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