
杂烩百科2023-02-02 19:25:03百科


Garrison, William Lloyd

美国新闻工作者和废奴主义者。二十五岁加入废奴运动,担任过多家地方报纸编辑,献身道德改革。1829年与废奴运动的先驱伦迪合编《普遍解放精神》。1831年後创办《解放者报》,以美国最坚决的反奴隶制报纸着称。1833年他参加建立美国反奴隶制协会,後来协会内部发生分裂,部分是因妇女入会问题(加里森赞成),结果他成为缩小的协会会长(1840~1865)。他是个和平主义者,1844年要求北方和平地脱离南方。当他的影响力渐减时,他的激进论调增加了,他透过《解放者报》谴责1850年妥协案,痛斥「堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法」,反对司各脱(Dred Scott)裁决,称扬布朗(J. Brown)袭击拥奴制的居民点是对的。在南北战争中他放弃了自己的和平主义信仰,而把奴隶解放放在第一位,忠实地支持林肯。1865年退休,但继续支持禁酒运动、妇女平权和自由贸易。


Garrison, William Lloyd

U.S. journalist and abolitionist. Born in Newburyport, Mass., he joined the abolitionist movement at 25 and edited several local newspapers dedicated to moral reform. In 1829 he and Benjamin Lundy edited the Genius of Universal Emancipation. In 1831 he founded The Liberator, which became the most radical of the antislavery journals. In 1833 he helped found the American Anti-Slavery Society. Following a split within the society, partly over women's participation (which he favored), he became president of the smaller society (1840-65). A pacifist, he demanded in 1844 that the North secede peacefully from the South. As his influence waned, his radicalism increased; through The Liberator he denounced the Compromise of 1850, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the Dred Scott decision, and hailed John Brown's raid. In the Civil War he forswore pacifism to support Pres. Abraham Lincoln and welcomed the Emancipation Proclamation. In 1865 he retired but continued to press for women's suffrage, temperance, and free trade.

本文标签: 加里森  


