
杂烩百科2023-02-02 19:22:18百科


指16~17世纪初天主教教会为抵制宗教改革运动和内部整顿而进行的努力。改革始於批判文艺复兴时期历代教宗和许多神职人员的世俗化生活态度和政策,为重振虔修生活,新修会纷纷成立,但教廷对於新教和天主教内部要求整顿的呼声一直没有回应。保禄三世是反宗教改革的第一位教宗,他召开特伦托会议(1545~1563),发动整顿。1542年建立的罗马异端裁判所,在监督教义和习俗方面颇有成效,不像有些国家的类似机构那样对新教诸侯权宜让步。神圣罗马帝国皇帝查理五世及其子腓力二世的各项政策,明确反映了天主教教会从政治、军事等方面反对新教的企图。天主教神学家纷纷抨击新教的神学主张,但都不是路德或喀尔文的对手。反宗教改革的教宗还有保禄五世、格列高利十三世和西克斯图斯五世,圣博罗梅奥(St. C. Borromeo)、内里(P. Neri)、圣约翰、阿维拉的特雷萨(Teresa of Avila)、塞尔斯的法兰西斯(Francis of Sales)、圣味增爵(St. Vincent de Paul)是最有影响力的人物。经过反宗教改革运动,天主教教会得以克服新教的威胁,重新获得生命力,过去受到压抑的改革精神从此得以开花结果。


In Roman Catholicism, efforts in the 16th and early 17th century to oppose the Protestant Reformation and reform the Catholic Church. Early efforts grew out of criticism of the worldliness and corruption of the papacy and clergy during the Renaissance. Paul III (r. 1534-49) was the first pope to respond, convening the important Council of Trent (1545-63), which reacted to Protestant teachings on faith, grace, and the sacraments, and attempted to reform training for the priesthood. The Roman Inquisition was established in 1542 to control heresy within Catholic territories, and the Jesuits under Ignatius de Loyola undertook educational and missionary work aimed at conversion or reconversion. Emperors Charles V and Philip II took military action against Protestant growth. Later popes of the Counter-Reformation included Pius V, Gregory XIII, and Sixtus V. Sts. Charles Borromeo, Philip Neri, John of the Cross, Teresa of ávila, Francis de Sales, and Vincent de Paul were among the most influential reforming figures.

本文标签: 反宗教改革  


