
杂烩百科2023-02-02 19:16:36百科


Ali, Muhammad,原名Cassius(Marcellus)Clay。

美国职业拳击手。生於肯塔基州(Kentucky)路易斯尔(Louisville)。1960年赢得奥运的重量级冠军而广受注目。转入职业界後,在1964年击倒利斯顿(Sonny Liston)而获得第一个重量级世界冠军。1965~1967年间九次卫冕成功。他在参加伊斯兰民族教派後拒绝入伍服役,因而取消冠军头衔。1974年阿里击败弗雷泽(Joe Frazier)和福尔曼(George Foreman),重获世界重量级冠军。1978年他败给史宾克斯(Leon Spinks),但同年又自史宾克斯手中夺回冠军,成为第一个三次获得世界重量级冠军的拳击手。1979年阿里宣布退休,在五十九场比赛中只败三场。1980年与1981年的对擂都败北。阿里常以拙劣的言辞来吹嘘自己的胜利,并自我夸耀为「最伟大的拳击手」。1984年阿里被诊断出罹患帕金森氏症(Parkinson's disease),但他仍是受到喜爱的公众人物。


Ali, Muhammad

U.S. boxer. Born in Louisville, Ky., he rose through the amateur ranks to win the Olympic light heavyweight crown in 1960. His first professional heavyweight title win was against Sonny Liston in 1964. After defending the title nine times between 1965 and 1967, he was stripped of it for refusing induction into the armed forces following his conversion to Islam. He regained it in 1974 after defeating the former champion Joe Frazier and the then-current champion George Foreman. He lost to Leon Spinks in 1978 but later that year regained the title a third time, becoming the first heavyweight champion ever to do so. He retired in 1979, having lost only three of 59 fights. Attempted comebacks in 1980 and 1981 failed. Throughout his career Ali was known for his aggressive charm, invincible attitude, and colorful boasts, often expressed in doggerel verse. “I am the greatest” was his personal credo. He was diagnosed in 1984 with Parkinson's disease, but has remained a beloved public figure.


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