
杂烩百科2023-02-02 19:03:17百科


Hamilton, Alexander

美国政治家。1772年来到新泽西。美国革命期间加入大陆军,在特棱顿战役中,有英勇的表现。後任华盛顿将军的中校副官(1777~1781),因法语流利,负责与法国统帅联系。战後,在纽约执律师业。大陆会议时,主张建立强大胆中央政府。1786年代表出席亚那波里斯会议,他写的请愿书导致全国制宪会议的召开。与麦迪逊和杰伊联合,他撰写了《联邦党人》一系列解释新宪法的论文并寻求它的通过。後担任首位财政部长(1789),他提出了建立美国银行和加强中央政府的一系列的纲领。由於他的政策受到杰佛逊的反对,因而导致政党的组成︰汉弥尔顿成为联邦党的领袖,麦迪逊和杰佛逊合组民主共和党。汉弥尔顿倾向於与英国建立密切联系,并促使华盛顿在法国大革命中保持中立的立场。1796年因反对提名亚当斯竞选总统,造成联邦党失和。1800年他试图阻止亚当斯连任,於是散发一份攻击密函,却让长期与他不和的伯尔(A. Burr)取得并出版。当杰佛逊和伯尔双双击败亚当斯但得票相同时,汉弥尔顿出面说服下议院的联邦党人选择杰佛逊。1804年他反对伯尔竞选纽约州州长。这种侮辱和对伯尔人格的质疑,使得伯尔要求与汉弥尔顿决斗,汉弥尔顿伤重去世。


Hamilton, Alexander

U.S. statesman. Born on Nevis in the Leeward Islands, he arrived in New Jersey in 1772. In the American Revolution he joined the Continental Army and showed conspicuous bravery at the Battle of Trenton. He served as aide-de-camp to Gen. George Washington (1777-81) and, fluent in French, became a liaison with French commanders. After the war he practiced law in New York. At the Continental Congress, he argued for a strong central government. As a delegate to the Annapolis Convention in 1786, he drafted the address that led to the Constitutional Convention. With James Madison and John Jay, he wrote articles for The Federalist that explained the new Constitution and helped win its ratification. Appointed the first secretary of the treasury (1789), he established national fiscal policies that strengthened the national government and helped institute the Bank of the U.S. Opposition to his policies by Thomas Jefferson led to the rise of political parties; Hamilton became leader of the Federalist Party, and Madison and Jefferson created the Democratic-Republican Party. Hamilton favored friendship with Britain and influenced Washington to take a neutral stand toward the French Revolution. He caused a rift in the Federalist Party by opposing its nomination of John Adams for president in 1796. In 1800 he tried to prevent Adams's reelection, circulating a private attack which Aaron Burr, long at odds with Hamilton, obtained and published. When Jefferson and Burr both defeated Adams but received equal electoral votes, Hamilton helped persuade the Federalists in the House of Representatives to choose Jefferson. In 1804 he opposed Burr's candidacy for governor of New York. This affront, coupled with alleged remarks questioning Burr's character, led Burr to challenge Hamilton to a duel, in which Hamilton was mortally wounded.

本文标签: 汉弥尔顿  


