Malcolm X,原名Malcolm Little。
後称El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz
美国黑人领袖。在密西根州长大。家里的房子被3K党人烧掉。後来父亲被谋杀,母亲被送进医院。他移居波士顿,靠小型犯罪抢劫,1946年因盗窃罪入狱。同年转而宗奉黑人穆斯林运动(伊斯兰民族组织)。1952年出狱後,他将自己的姓氏改为X,以反抗他的「黑奴姓氏」。在遇到伊斯兰民族组织的领导穆罕默德之後,他成为该教派最有力的演说家和组织者。他的演说风格明快,痛斥白人对黑人的剥削,嘲笑民权运动和种族隔离,相反,他鼓吹黑人分立、黑人自尊和使用暴力自卫。由於与伊莱贾.穆罕默德的分歧,促使马尔科姆於1964年脱离伊斯兰民族组织。麦加朝圣之後,使他承认四海之内皆兄弟的信念,皈依正统的伊斯兰教。敌对的黑人穆斯林教徒威胁其生命,在哈林区一舞厅集会上被枪杀。他的着名传记(1965)由哈利(A. Haley)根据他的采访所撰。
English version:
Malcolm X
U.S. black militant leader. Born in Omaha, Neb., he was raised in Michigan, where the family house was burned by the Ku Klux Klan; his father was later murdered and his mother was institutionalized. He moved to Boston, drifted into petty crime, and was sent to prison for burglary in 1946. He converted to the Black Muslim faith (Nation of Islam) the same year. On his release in 1952, he changed his last name to X to signify his rejection of his “slave name.” Soon after meeting the Nation of Islam's leader, Elijah Muhammad, he became the sect's most effective speaker and organizer. He spoke with bitter eloquence against white exploitation of blacks and derided the civil rights movement and integration, calling instead for black separatism, black pride, and the use of violence for self-protection. Differences with E. Muhammad prompted Malcolm to leave the Nation of Islam in 1964. A pilgrimage to Mecca led him to acknowledge the possibility of world brotherhood and to convert to orthodox Islam. Rival Black Muslims made threats against his life, and he was shot to death at a rally in a Harlem ballroom. His celebrated autobiography (1965) was written by Alex Haley on the basis of interviews.