
杂烩百科2023-02-02 19:03:04百科


Russian Civil War

新成立的布尔什维克政府和其红军反抗俄国的反布尔什维克军队的斗争。和德国缔结的令人不快的「布列斯特-立陶夫斯克和约」,使得反列宁的社会主义者和布尔什维克破裂,加入了极右白俄,其自愿军受邓尼金指挥。在第一次世界大战中试图创建另一个战场,协约国只给予白俄有限的支持。莫斯科政府回应渐长的反布尔什维克运动,将孟什维克和社会革命党的代表从政府驱逐出去,开始了「红色恐怖」运动,赋予秘密警察渐增的权力以逮捕和处死嫌疑犯。当布尔什维克保持对国家心脏地区的控制时,反布尔什维克人在乌克兰和鄂木斯克地区掌权,在那里高尔察克和其他异议团体结合一起对抗红军。俄国的白俄、乌克兰民族主义者和协约国被共产主义者之间的斗争困惑了,1919年取消了对他们的支持。对红军取得早期军事胜利後,高尔察克领导下的白俄军队在1920年初被击败。尤登尼奇(Nikolay Yudenich)领导下的白俄军队占领圣彼得堡失败。最後的白俄据点是在弗兰格尔领导下的克里米亚半岛,他是邓尼金的继承者,1920年11月也被打败,因而结束了俄国内战。


Russian Civil War

Conflict between the newly formed Bolshevik government and its Red Army against the anti-Bolshevik forces in Russia. The unfavorable Treaty of Brest-Litovsk concluded with Germany caused the anti-Lenin socialists to break with the Bolsheviks and join the right-wing Whites and their volunteer army under Anton Denikin. In an attempt to create another front in World War I, the Allies gave limited support to the Whites. The Moscow government responded to the growing anti-Bolshevik movement by expelling Menshevik and Social Revolutionary deputies from the government, and began a campaign of “Red terror” that gave increased powers to the secret police (Cheka) to arrest and execute suspects. While the Bolsheviks maintained control over the heart of the country, anti-Bolsheviks gained power in the Ukraine and Omsk, where Aleksandr Kolchak and other dissident groups joined together to fight the Red Army. Confused by the struggles between communists, Russian Whites, and Ukrainian nationalists, the Allies withdrew their support by 1919. After early military successes against the Red Army, the White forces under Kolchak were defeated by early 1920. Other White troops under Nikolay Yudenich failed to take St. Petersburg. The last White stronghold in the Crimea under Pyotr Wrangel, Denikin's successor, was defeated in November 1920, ending the Russian Civil War.

本文标签: 俄国内战  


