Manet, édouard
法国画家及版画家。其父亲是位成功的公务员,期望马奈在海军中任职,但是马奈除了对绘画感兴趣外一无所成。经过六年的学习之後,1856年马奈成立了自己的画室。法国皇家学院沙龙拒绝他的第一部作品《喝艾酒的人》(1859),但在1861年展出他的《西班牙歌手》(1860)。1863年当沙龙拒绝他的《草地上的午餐》後,马奈将这部作品在落选者沙龙上展出。他的这部作品虽然遭到评论家的非难,但激起一些年轻画家的极大热情,他们後来成为印象主义画派的核心人物。虽然马奈继续为赢得沙龙的认可努力,但他不太高兴的发现自己成了前卫派的领导人物。1868年沙龙接受了他的左拉的画像,1869年他的以他未来的嫂子摩里索(B. Morisot)为模特儿的《阳台》也很受欢迎。1865年《奥林匹亚》(1863)在沙龙引起丑闻。他还因与画家莫内的友谊,创作了一幅明快的户外风景画《划船》(1874)。後期着名作品《福里-白热尔的酒吧间》(1882)也在沙龙展出。在创作题材上马奈开创了从现实生活和风光中取材的先河,强调绘画的色块安排要超出或高於描绘作用。
English version:
Manet, édouard
French painter and printmaker. His father, a prosperous civil servant, intended him for a naval career, but he was a poor student interested only in drawing. In 1856, after six years of study, he opened a studio. The Salon rejected his first submission, The Absinthe Drinker (1859), but in 1861 it exhibited his Spanish Singer (1860). When it rejected his Déjeuner sur l'herbe (Luncheon on the Grass) in 1863, he exhibited it at the Salon des Refusés. It aroused critical hostility and the enthusiasm of a group of young painters who later formed the nucleus of the Impressionists. Manet uncomfortably found himself a leader of the avant-garde, though he continued to seek the Salon's approval. In 1868 it welcomed his portrait of é. Zola and in 1869 The Balcony, whose model was his future sister-in-law, Berthe Morisot. His Olympia (1863) caused a scandal at the Salon of 1865. His friendship with Claude Monet led to his luminous open-air painting Boating (1874). His last great work, A Bar at the Folies Bergère (1882), appeared at the Salon. Manet broke new ground in choosing subjects from his own time and in stressing the definition of painting as the arrangement of paint areas on a canvas over and above its function as representation.