
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:58:22百科


推翻了沙皇的统治,使得布尔什维克夺取了政权的革命。渐增的政府腐败、尼古拉二世的反动政策和第一次世界大战中俄国的惨败导致了广泛的不满和经济困难。1917年2月,在彼得格勒(圣彼得堡)爆发了食物缺乏的骚乱。当军队加入叛乱时,尼古拉斯被迫退位。由李沃夫领导的临时政府於3月任命,试着继续俄国在第一次世界大战中的参与,但被强大的彼得格勒工人的苏维埃反对,後者赞成俄国从战争中撤军。在其他城市和城镇形成了另一些苏维埃,从工厂和军队选取成员。社会革命党领导了苏维埃运动,布尔什维克和孟什维克跟随在後。从3月到10月,临时政府重组四次;克伦斯基在7月成为领导人,镇压了科尔尼洛夫发起的政变,但没能停止俄国陷入政治和军事混乱中。9月时,布尔什维克在列宁的领导下,在彼得格勒和莫斯科苏维埃赢得大多数支持,在饥饿的城市工人和士兵中渐获支持。10月他们进行了几乎是没有流血的政变(「十月革命」),占领了政府大楼和战略点。克伦斯基试图组织反抗,但未成功,然後逃离俄国。苏维埃大会批准了新政府的形成,主要由布尔什维克组成。亦请参阅April Theses、Guchkov, Aleksandr Ivanovich、July Days、Russian Civil War。

Russian Revolution of 1917

Revolution that overthrew the imperial government and placed the Bolsheviks in power. Increasing governmental corruption, the reactionary policies of Nicholas II, and catastrophic Russian losses in World War I contributed to widespread dissatisfaction and economic hardship. In February 1917, riots over food scarcity broke out in Petrograd (St. Petersburg). When the army joined the rebels, Nicholas was forced to abdicate. A provisional government, headed by Georgy Y. Lvov, was appointed in March and tried to continue Russia's participation in World War I, but it was opposed by the powerful Petrograd workers' soviet, which favored Russian withdrawal from the war. Other soviets were formed in major cities and towns, choosing members from factories and military units. The soviet movement was dominated by the Socialist Revolutionary Party, followed by the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks. Between March and October, the Provisional Government was reorganized four times; Aleksandr Kerensky became its head in July, and put down a coup attempted by Lavr Kornilov but was unable to halt Russia's slide into political and military chaos. By September the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Ilich Lenin, had achieved majorities in the Petrograd and Moscow soviets and won increasing support among the hungry urban workers and soldiers. In October they staged a nearly bloodless coup (the “October Revolution”), occupying government buildings and strategic points. Kerensky tried unsuccessfully to organize resistance, then fled the country. The congress of soviets approved the formation of a new government composed mainly of Bolsheviks. See also April Theses, Aleksandr Guchkov, July Days, Russian Civil War.

本文标签: 1917年俄国革命  


