
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:57:57百科


是炭疽杆菌(Bacillus anthracis)引起的急性、特异性、传染性和发热性疾病。这种细菌形成有高度抵抗力的芽孢,在土壤或其他物体上保存毒力多年。本病主要是草食动物的病,当人触摸到患病动物的毛、皮、骨或屍体後,也会感染。感染後会导致呼吸或心脏机能紊乱而死亡(严重的话1~2日内便死亡),而动物则有可能痊癒。人发生炭疽是由於皮肤、肺或肠道感染,最常发生的类型是以痈的形式在皮肤上发生原发性局部感染,严重的话会导致败血症而死亡。肺型炭疽的病程发展很快,常造成死亡。肠型炭疽常因使用污染了芽孢的刷子或衣服而使人传染。应用抗炭疽血清、砷制剂和抗菌素可获得显着的疗效。操作可能被污染的原料之前要先消毒,穿工作服,带口罩,并需创造良好的卫生设施。对於死於此病的动物屍体不要剥皮或解剖。近年来,许多国家企图以炭疽作为生物战(biological warfare)的武器,许多事实显示,炭疽是最好的生物战致病物(比任何化学战效应更强)。2001年因美国政府暨媒体单位相继接获炭疽信件而使得炭疽又成为关注焦点。


Infectious disease of warm-blooded animals, caused by [scinm]Bacillus anthracis, a bacterium that, in spore form, can retain its virulence in contaminated soil or other material for many years. A disease chiefly of herbivores, the infection may be acquired by persons handling the wool, hair, hides, bones, or carcasses of affected animals. Infection may lead to death from respiratory or cardiac complications (within 1-2 days if acute), or the animal may recover. In humans, anthrax occurs as a cutaneous, pulmonary, or intestinal infection. The most common type, which occurs as an infection of the skin, may lead to fatal septicemia (blood poisoning). The pulmonary form of the disease is usually fatal. Sanitary working environments for susceptible workers are critical to preventing anthrax; early diagnosis and treatment are also of great importance. In recent decades, various countries have attempted to develop anthrax as a weapon of biological warfare; many factors, including its extreme potency (vastly greater than any chemical-warfare agent), make it the preferred biological-warfare agent. Concerns about anthrax mounted in 2001 after it was found in letters mailed to members of the U.S. government and news agencies.


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本文标签: 炭疽  


