
杂烩百科2023-02-02 15:59:23百科



Niger-Congo languages

Superfamily of 900-1,300 languages spoken by most of the population of sub-Saharan Africa, from northern Senegal and Kenya in the north to Namibia and Eastern Cape province (South Africa) in the south. The name Niger-Congo was introduced in 1955 by Joseph H. Greenberg. As understood today, Niger-Congo has nine branches: Mande, Kordofanian, Atlantic (formerly West Atlantic), Kru, Gur, Kwa, Ijoid, Adamawa-Ubangi (formerly Adamawa-Eastern), and Benue-Congo. Kordofanian is a family of more than 20 languages whose speakers (numbering under 200,000) live in the Nuba Mountains of southern Kordofan province in Sudan. Kru comprises more than 10 languages and language complexes whose 1-2 million speakers live primarily in southwestern C?te d'Ivoire and southern Liberia. Ijoid is a group of eight closely related groups of dialects spoken by close to 2 million members of the Ijo (Ijaw) and Defaka peoples of the Niger River delta in Nigeria.

本文标签: 尼日-刚果诸语言  


