
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:52:44百科




Loyalty and devotion to one's nation or country, especially as above loyalty to other groups or individual interests. Before the era of the nation-state, the primary allegiance of most people was to their immediate locality or religious group. The rise of large, centralized states weakened local authority, and society's increasing secularization weakened loyalty to religious groups, though shared religion, along with race, political heritage, and history, is one of the factors that draws people together in nationalist movements. Early nationalist movements in 18th- and early 19th-century Europe were liberal and internationalist, but they gradually became more conservative, parochial, and chauvinistic. Nationalism is seen as a major contributing cause of both world wars and many other wars in the modern era. In Africa and Asia in the 20th century, it often arose in opposition to colonialism. After the fall of the Soviet Union, it made a powerful resurgence in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union's former republics, contributing (with ethnicity) to increased conflict in territories such as that of the former Yugoslavia.

本文标签: 民族主义;国家主义  


