
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:52:39百科


Gregory I, St.

别名Gregory the Great



Gregory I, St.

Pope (590-604) and doctor of the church. A Roman patrician, by age 30 he had attained the office of prefect, Rome's highest civil office. He then felt called to the religious life; he built several monasteries and served as a papal representative before being elected pope in 590, to which only reluctantly assented. He became the architect of the medieval papacy. He strove to curb corruption by centralizing the papal administration. In 598 he won temporary peace with the Lombards, and he allowed the Byzantine usurper Phocas to make permanent peace with them in 602. Eager to convert pagan peoples, Gregory sent Augustine of Canterbury on a mission to England (596). Under Gregory, Gothic Arian Spain (see Arianism) became reconciled with Rome. He laid the basis for the Papal States. He was a strong opponent of slavery, and he extended tolerance to Jews and heathens. He wrote the Pastoral Rule, a guide for church government, and other works. His extensive recodification of the liturgy and chant led to his name being given to Gregorian chant. He is remembered as perhaps the greatest of all the medieval popes.

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