Zhang Zhidong,亦拼作Chang Chih-tung。
中国的古典学者,及其时代中最先端的改革者。从1862~1882年,张之洞是位学者,并主管教育。从1882~1907年,他从省区调昇为国家的领袖。他支持垂廉听政的慈禧太后,而慈禧也相对以屡次拔擢来支持张之洞。由於张之洞关切中国的新生,於是他为中国寻求一种可以在现代世界中,既容纳西方的知识,又保存传统方式的生存之道。他开办了中国第一座钢铁厂,终归於失败,但他之後建造了从汉口通往北京附近的铁路,并创办铸币厂、制革厂、砖厂、以及蚕丝工厂,还有造纸、棉花与羊毛的纺织厂。张之洞为回应中国在中日战争的挫败,转而将注意力投注在教育、鼓励中国学生出国学习,并创建学校体系,翻译西方与日本的书籍,以及从外国的报纸收集新知。他也促请废止中国文官制度,这项建议终於在1905年实现。亦请参阅Zeng Guofan。
English version:
Zhang Zhidong
Chinese classicist and one of the foremost reformers of his time. From 1862 to 1882 he was a scholar and educational director; from 1882 to 1907 he rose from a provincial to a national leader. He supported the dowager empress Cixi, who in turn favored him with many promotions. Concerned with the rejuvenation of China, he searched for a way for China to survive in the modern world that could accommodate Western knowledge but preserve traditional ways. His launching of China's first iron-and-steel works failed, but he later built a railway from Hankou to near Beijing, and founded a mint, tanneries, tile and silk factories, and paper, cotton, and wool mills. In response to China's defeat in the Sino-Japanese War, Zhang turned his attention to education, encouraging study abroad for Chinese students, establishment of a school system, translation of Western and Japanese books, and acquisition of knowledge from foreign newspapers. He also urged the abolition of the civil-service examinations, which occurred in 1905. See also Zeng Guofan.
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