日本音乐(Japanese music)
English version:
Japanese music
Traditional music of Japan. Absorbing the influences of China, of India (by way of Buddhism), and the West, Japan has concentrated and refined them into something distinct during its periods of withdrawal from outside contact. The earliest music in Japan was apparently religious; by the 6th century this had been codified into a body of music associated with Shinto called mikagura. Once the imperial state was established, a period of receptivity to outside influence ensued, during which gagaku was imported from China by way of Korea (612). Heikebiwa, a narrative form of singing by minstrel-like figures (often blind) accompanying themselves on the biwa (lute), grew in importance as court music declined with the power of the court. When central government was reestablished in the Edo period (1615-1868), the popularity of such narrative forms was transferred to theatrical forms. A new merchant class supported popular entertainments such as kabuki and bunraku, while No drama, though evolved from similar popular sources, was supported by the nobility. During this period, genres associated with certain solo instruments (as in Chinese music) also arose, particularly for the shakuhachi, koto, and samisen (a three-stringed lute). With Japan's reopening in the 19th century, Western influences became predominant and almost displaced traditional forms, though the resurgent nationalism of the early 20th century fostered their preservation.