
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:44:17百科


南美洲原住民的宗教信仰和社会风俗属於奇穆(Chimu)和印加帝国这个古老的安地斯山文化,具有高度发展的宗教。印加人的宗教结合了各式各样的仪式、精灵的信仰、具有超能力的事物、自然崇拜以及太阳崇拜。印加人建造了巨大的神殿,由祭司和某些特定挑选的女人?a href='http://www.baiven.com/baike/223/304897.html' target='_blank' style='color:#136ec2'>邮路碌墓ぷ鳌<浪净嵋哉疾反萏煲猓⑶以诿恳怀≈卮蟮那斓渖舷咨仙馈T谀承┪<贝嫱鲋铮腔够嵯咨先松O纸衲厦乐薜脑∶裎幕?,500个之多,而他们的宗教信仰也产生了很大的变化。创世神话是他们主要的核心,描述了第一个世界的起源和终结,以及随後其他世界的生成和灭亡。不论是男性或女性,他们大都会举行成年礼,并且在仪式中重现创世时发生的事件。成年礼还代表个人提升到具有宗教权力的地位,在仪式当中,祭司、先知和灵媒皆扮演着特殊的角色。萨满教(Shaman)则主要在於诱导人进入宗教上狂喜的状态,掌控灵魂进出身体的通道。在仪式中,他们会以火焰、乐器(尤其是能发出吵杂声音的乐器)、密语以及宗教歌曲演示出一些夸张的动作,以传达萨满教中那不可见的力量的命令。在许多原住民族当中,基督教成了民间信仰的一个重要因素。它不断在当地传统的亮光下得到解读,使得这些传统信仰的元素得以继续留存。亦请参阅Mesoamerican religions。

American Indian religions, South

Religious beliefs and practices of the indigenous peoples of South America. The ancient Andean civilizations of the Chimu and the Inca had highly developed religions. The Inca religion combined complex ceremonies, animistic beliefs, belief in objects having magical powers, nature worship, and sun worship. The Incas built monumental temples, occupied by priests and Chosen Women. Priests conducted divination, and sacrifices were offered on every important occasion. Human sacrifice was offered when the need was extreme. In present-day South America, as many as 1,500 distinct native cultures have been described, and religious beliefs vary greatly. Creation mythologies are of major importance, often describing the origin of the first world and its fate as well as the creation and destruction of subsequent worlds. Ceremonial initiation into adulthood is widely practiced, both for males and females, with the initiation ceremony often acting out events from the dawn of creation. Initiations are also used to mark the ascent of individuals into positions of religious authority, with priests, diviners, and spirit mediums playing special roles. The shaman specializes in inducing states of ecstasy, controlling the passage of the soul out of and back into the body. Ritual fires, musical instruments (especially the rattle), esoteric languages, and sacred songs may be used in a theatrical performance designed to demonstrate the shaman's command of invisible powers. Christianity has come to be a strong component of folk belief among many native peoples, but it continues to be interpreted in the light of local tradition, and elements of traditional religion continue to survive. See also Mesoamerican religions.

本文标签: 南美印第安宗教  


