English version:
Selling of merchandise to anyone other than a retail customer. The term may include sales to a retailer, wholesaler, or business enterprise. Wholesaling usually involves sales in quantity and at a cost significantly lower than the average retail price. It has become especially necessary since the introduction of mass production and mass marketing techniques in the 19th century. Without wholesalers, large manufacturers would have to market their products directly to a huge number of retailers or consumers at high unit costs, and retailers or consumers would have to deal with an inconveniently large number of manufacturers. There are three major categories of wholesalers. Merchant wholesalers, the most important category, are independent businesses that buy merchandise in great quantities from manufacturers and resell it to retailers. Manufacturers' sales branches are businesses founded by manufacturers to sell directly to retailers. Merchandise agents and brokers represent various manufacturers; they usually do not buy the merchandise they handle but instead arrange for shelf space and the display of merchandise. See also retailing.
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