
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:36:22百科


正式名称巴拿马共和国(Republic of Panama)


1501年西班牙人抵此时,就已有美洲印第安人居住在这里。1510年由巴尔沃亚建立了第一个成功的西班牙殖民地。後来成为新格拉纳达总督辖区的一部分,直到1821年宣布脱离西班牙独立,後来加入哥伦比亚。1903年掀起暴动反抗哥伦比亚,并为美国承认,巴拿马於是把运河区割让给美国。1914年完成的巴拿马运河开放通行,1999年运河管辖权从美国移交给巴拿马。1989年美军曾入侵,推翻该国实际的统治者诺瑞加将军。1999年该国选出第一位女性总统莫斯科索(Mireya Moscoso)。


Nation, Central America. It is bounded by the Caribbean Sea, Colombia, the Pacific Ocean, and Costa Rica. Area: 29,157 sq mi (75,517 sq km). Population (1997 est.): 2,719,000. Capital: Panama City. The people are mostly mestizo (mixed Spanish-Indian) and Indian groups, including the Guaymí, Kuna, and Chocó. The introduction of black Africans produced mixed populations, while the building of the Panama Canal brought North Americans, French, and Chinese. Languages: Spanish (official), English, and indigenous Indian languages. Religion: Roman Catholicism (the majority). Currency: balboa. Panama consists of three distinct areas: the lowlands, or hot lands (more than 85% of the country); the temperate lands; and the highlands, or cold lands. It has a market economy based on services. Most of this is transportation, communications, and storage connected with the Panama Canal, as well as international banking and tourism. It is a republic with one legislative house; its head of state and government is the president, assisted by vice presidents. The land was inhabited by American Indians when the Spanish arrived in 1501. The first successful Spanish settlement was founded by Vasco Nunez de Balboa in 1510. Panama was part of the viceroyalty of New Granada until it declared its independence from Spain in 1821 to join Colombia. In 1903 it revolted against Colombia and was recognized by the U.S., to whom it ceded the Canal Zone. The completed canal was opened in 1914; its jurisdiction reverted from the U.S. to Panama in 1999. An invasion by U.S. troops in 1989 overthrew the de facto ruler, Gen. Manuel Noriega. In 1999 the country elected its first female president, Mireya Moscoso.


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