
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:33:45百科


Sun Yat-sen,亦拼作Sun Yixian。

国民党的领导人,又被称为缔造现代中国的国父。孙逸仙在夏威夷和香港接受教育,他於1892年开始从事医疗事业。但他对於保守的清朝无力使中国免於遭受先进国家不断的欺压,深感忧虑,於是决定放弃两年的行医生涯,转而从事政治活动。孙逸仙在一篇致李鸿章的书信里,详述中国该如何变法图强,但这封信并未带来任何进展,於是他转往国外,试图组织移居海外的中国人。孙逸仙在夏威夷、英格兰、加拿大和日本度过许多年,於1905年成为革命组织同盟会的首脑。在这段期间他协助密谋的叛乱皆告失败,但在1911年,发生在武汉的一场革命意外地成功推翻当地的省级政府。其他省份相继脱离清朝控制,孙逸仙回国被选为新政府的临时总统。清朝皇帝於1912年退位,孙逸仙将统治权交付袁世凯。两人在1913年决裂,孙逸仙在南方领导另一个独立政权。1924年,孙逸仙在苏联顾问的协助下,改组他领导的国民党,允许三位共产党员加入中央执行委员会,赞同设置军事学校,并交由蒋介石领导。孙逸仙在演讲中发表政纲:三民主义(民族主义、民权主义和民生主义)後,於次年逝世,没有机会将其政纲付诸实践。亦请参阅Wang Jingwei。


Sun Yat-sen

Leader of the Guomindang (Chinese Nationalist Party), known as the father of modern China. Educated in Hawaii and Hong Kong, Sun embarked on a medical career in 1892, but, troubled by the conservative Qing dynasty's inability to keep China from suffering repeated humiliations at the hands of more advanced nations, he forsook medicine two years later for politics. A letter to Li Hongzhang in which Sun detailed ways in which China could gain strength made no headway, and he went abroad to try organizing expatriate Chinese. He spent time in Hawaii, England, Canada, and Japan, and in 1905 became head of a revolutionary coalition, the Tongmeng hui (“Alliance Society”). The revolts he helped plot during this period failed, but in 1911 a rebellion in Wuhan unexpectedly succeeded in overthrowing the provincial government. Other provincial secessions followed, and Sun returned to be elected provisional president of a new government. The emperor abdicated in 1912, and Sun turned over the government to Yuan Shikai. The two men split in 1913; Sun headed a separatist regime in the south. In 1924, aided by Soviet advisers, he reorganized his Nationalist Party, admitted three Communists to its central executive committee, and approved the establishment of a military academy, to be headed by Chiang Kai-shek. He delivered lectures on his doctrine, the Three Principles of the People (nationalism, democracy, and people's livelihood), but died the following year without having had the opportunity to put his doctrine into practice. See also Wang Jingwei.


  • 中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院知名专家医生医疗博览
本文标签: 孙逸仙  


