Nasser, Gamal Abdel
阿拉伯语作Jamal Abd al-Naser
埃及领导者。少年时曾参加过多次反英示威。身为陆军军官,他领导推翻帝制的政变(1952),纳吉布052385为国家的傀儡元首。1954年纳吉布被罢免,纳瑟出任总理。穆斯林弟兄会企图暗杀纳瑟失败。1956年他颁布宪法,埃及成为一党独大的社会主义国家,并由纳瑟为总统。同年并宣布苏伊士运河国有化(参阅Suez Crisis),并确保苏联援建亚斯文高坝,当时英美两国相继取消援助计画。他平安渡过法国-英国-以色列对机场和西奈半岛攻击的危机。身为有独特魅力的人物,纳瑟曾梦想成为伊斯兰世界的领袖,後因与叙利亚组成阿拉伯联合共和国(1958~1961)而短暂地实现其梦想。1970年当纳瑟勉强接受美国提出埃以和谈计画时,因心脏病突然去世。亦请参阅Arab-Israeli wars、Anwar al-Sadat。
English version:
Nasser, Gamal Abdel
Egyptian leader. In his youth, he took part in anti-British demonstrations. As an army officer, he led a coup that deposed the royal family (1952) and installed Gen. Mohammad Naguib as a puppet head of state. In 1954 he deposed Naguib and made himself prime minister. The Muslim Brotherhood tried to assassinate him but failed. In 1956 he promulgated a constitution that made Egypt a one-party socialist state with himself as president. In the same year, he nationalized the Suez Canal (see Suez Crisis) and secured Soviet assistance to build the Aswan High Dam when the U.S. and Britain canceled their offer of aid. He weathered a British-French-Israeli attack on his airfields and the Sinai Peninsula. A charismatic figure, he dreamed of becoming leader of the Muslim world, and succeeded briefly in forming the United Arab Republic with Syria (1958-61). He had tentatively accepted a U.S. peace plan for Egypt and Israel when he died of a heart attack. See also Arab-Israeli Wars, Anwar al-Sadat.