
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:22:53百科


庞克一词源於1960年代美国的车库乐队(garage band),他们音乐风格独特,与1970年代电台盛行的嬉皮风、软摇滚相抗衡。庞克摇滚源自反文化的摇滚乐,其艺人团体如「非法利益」(Velvet Underground)和「伊吉(流行)与配角」(Iggy 〔Pop〕and the Stooges),1970年代中期由如史密斯(Patti Smith)和「雷蒙」(The Ramones)合唱团这些艺术家们在纽约发展起来。庞克摇滚很快在伦敦紮下根来,出现了与众不同的「庞克」时尚,包括穗状的头发和褴褛的衣衫,风靡一时。代表性的乐团有「性手枪」(Sex Pistols)、「冲击」(Clash)等,以及接着在美国加州的「X与黑旗」(X and Black Flag)和「死甘乃迪」(The Dead Kennedys)等走红的庞克乐团。庞克摇滚以其充满挑衅的快节奏、刺耳的吉他夹杂突然的和弦变奏,以及弥漫虚无主义的歌词为显着特徵。庞克的变种风格包括新浪潮(更趋流行化、通俗化)和硬核(以极快的速度演奏简短、刺耳的歌曲为特点),後者一直延续到1990年代。

punk rock

Term originally applied to 1960s U.S. garage bands that came to denote a genre that represented a reaction against both the hippy ideals and the soft rock prevalent on radio in the 1970s. Originating in the countercultural rock of such artists as the Velvet Underground and Iggy (Pop) and the Stooges, punk rock evolved in New York in the mid-1970s with artists such as Patti Smith and the Ramones. It soon took root in London—where distinctly “punk” fashions, including spiked hair and ripped clothing, were popularized—with such bands as the Sex Pistols and the Clash, and later in California, with X, Black Flag, and the Dead Kennedys. It is often marked by a fast, aggressive beat, loud guitar with abrupt chord changes, and nihilistic lyrics. Variants include new wave (more pop-oriented and accessible) and hardcore (characterized by brief, harsh songs played at breakneck speed); the latter continued to thrive through the 1990s.

本文标签: 庞克摇滚  


