
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:20:20百科


Acheson, Dean (Gooderham)

美国国务卿(1949~1953)。生於康乃狄克州(Connecticut)中城(Middle town),1941年进入国务院(State Department)之前於华盛顿特区(Washington, D.C.)习法。1945~1947年任国务次卿。1947年协助制订了杜鲁门主义(Truman Doctrine)和马歇尔计画(Marshall Plan)。在杜鲁门(Harry Truman)手下担任国务卿期间,促进北大西洋公约组织(NATO)的形成,冷战(Cold War)期间是美国外交政策的主导者。在参议员麦卡锡(Joseph McCarthy)就颠覆活动问题举行的国会听证会(1949~1950)上,艾奇逊拒绝解雇他在国务院的任何下属,包括希斯(Alger Hiss)。艾奇逊也制定了不承认中国大陆和援助蒋介石(Chiang Kai-shek)在台湾的政权政策。他还支持美国援助法属印度支那(Indochina)的法国殖民政权。离职之後继续担任几届总统的外交政策顾问。他的回忆录《参与创造世界》(Present at the Creation)获1970年普立兹奖(Pulitzer Prize)。


Acheson, Dean (Gooderham)

U.S. secretary of state (1949-53). Born in Middletown, Conn., he practiced law in Washington, D.C., before joining the State Department (1941), where he later served as undersecretary (1945-47). In 1947 he helped design the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan. As secretary of state under Harry Truman, he promoted the formation of NATO and was a principal creator of U.S. foreign policy in the Cold War. During the hearings held by Sen. Joseph McCarthy, he refused to fire any State Department subordinates, including Alger Hiss. He established the policies of nonrecognition of Red China and aid to the regime of Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan, and he supported U.S. aid to the French colonial regime in Indochina. After leaving office, he continued to advise successive presidents. His memoir Present at the Creation won a 1970 Pulitzer Prize.

本文标签: 艾奇逊  


