
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:20:12百科


在经济学和社会学中,指社会生存所必需的活动和劳动。早在西元前40000年,狩猎者开始集体活动,追踪并捕杀动物。部族中年幼或体弱的成员自然较适合於采集食物。在农业种植代替了简单的采集後,导致食物的少量剩余,同族中的若干成员可以从事较专门的技艺,如陶器制作、纺织和冶金。在城市建立後,新的专业如商业、法律、医学和防御得到了发展。早期文化其特徵均为严格社会等级。贵族、僧侣、商人、手艺人和农民,从事的职业主要是根据世袭社会阶级加以确定。手艺行会影响着中世纪欧洲的经济发展。行会限制某一行业的劳力供应和控制生产。工业革命的到来,促进了科技的进步,如水力大为改变了经济生活。工厂将以前由单一工匠完成的工作分成不同的任务,由非熟练或半熟练工人(参阅abour, division of)完成。19世纪机床和标准部件的采用促进制造厂商的大规模发展,需要空前多的经理、监督、会计、工程师、技术员和推销员等专业人员。在20世纪工作的专业化继续发展,出现了与管理和设计工作有关的许多专业,包括生产管理、劳资关系、人事行政和系统工程师。到21世纪,自动化和技术促进服务业巨大发展。


In economics and sociology, the activities and labor necessary for the survival of society. As early as 40,000 BC, hunters worked in groups to track and kill animals, while younger or weaker members of the tribe gathered food. When agriculture replaced hunting and gathering, the resulting surplus of food allowed early societies to develop, with some members pursuing crafts such as pottery making, textiles, and metallurgy. The establishment of towns led to the creation of new occupations in commerce, law, medicine, and defense. Early civilizations were characterized by rigid social hierarchies. Nobles, clergy, merchants, artisans, and peasants pursued occupations defined largely by hereditary social class. Craft guilds, influential in the economic development of medieval Europe, limited the supply of labor in each profession and controlled production. The coming of the Industrial Revolution, spurred by technological advances such as steam power, changed working life profoundly. Factories divided the work once done by a single craftsman into a number of distinct tasks performed by unskilled or semiskilled workers (see division of labor). Manufacturing firms grew larger in the 19th century as standardized parts and machine tools came into use, and ever more specialized positions for managers, supervisors, accountants, engineers, technicians, and salesmen were necessary. The trend toward specialization continued through the 20th century, giving rise to a number of disciplines concerned with the management and design of work, including production management, industrial relations, personnel administration, and systems engineering. By the turn of the 21st century, automation and technology had spurred tremendous growth in service industries.


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