
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:17:43百科


在精神分析的理论中,防卫机制是指当人遇到不能解决的问题时,能够在精神上达成某种妥协的一种心理过程。这种过程常常是无意识的,但这种妥协通常表现为人们试图自我遮抑那些因担心自己的尊严会受到贬抑、焦虑(anxiety)会不断发生时出现的那种内驱力和情感。这一名词最早是在1894年由弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)提出的。主要的防卫机制包括︰一、压抑︰即把一种非分有害的想法或冲动意识退缩到无意识部分去。二、反应形成︰表现出的一种心理或情绪的反应,但通常与真正的感觉相反。三、投射︰把一种不好的想法、感情或态度(特别是责备、罪过或责任感)转移到另外一个人身上。四、退化︰转回到早期的心理和行为阶段。五、升华︰一些本能性的驱动力(通常为性本能)朝一些非本能性方向偏转。六、否认︰指有意识地否认已感知到痛苦事实的存在。七、掩饰︰把动机合理化,取得人信赖,来掩盖真正的(但受到威胁)的原因。亦请参阅ego、neurosis、psychoanalysis。

defense mechanism

In psychoanalytic theory, an often unconscious mental process (such as repression) that makes possible compromise solutions to personal problems or conflicts. The compromise generally involves concealing from oneself internal drives or feelings that threaten to lower self-esteem or provoke anxiety. The term was first used by Sigmund Freud in 1894. The major defense mechanisms are repression, the process by which unacceptable desires or impulses are excluded from consciousness; reaction formation, a mental or emotional response that represents the opposite of what one really feels; projection, the attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes (especially blame, guilt, or sense of responsibility) to others; regression, reversion to an earlier mental or behavioral level; denial, the refusal to accept the existence of a painful fact; rationalization, the substitution of rational and creditable motives for the true (but threatening) ones; and sublimation, the diversion of an instinctual desire or impulse from its primitive form to a more socially or culturally acceptable form. See also ego, neurosis, psychoanalysis.

本文标签: 防卫机制  


