雍笈牙王朝(Alaungpaya dynasty),亦称贡版王朝(Konbaung dynasty)。
缅甸最後一个王朝(1752~1885)。面临东吁王朝(Toungoo dynasty)的分崩离析情况,邻近曼德勒(Mandalay)的一个村庄酋长雍笈牙(Alaungpaya,1714~1760)组织一支军队,对缅甸南部的孟族(Mon)分离主义者发动攻击,并征服东北部的掸邦(Shan)。後来又继续东进,攻打暹罗人的阿瑜陀耶(Ayutthaya,在今泰国境内)王国,但被迫撤退。其子孟驳(Hsinbyushin,1763~1776年在位)重整旗鼓再次征讨阿瑜陀耶,还曾四次挫败中国人的入侵。第六代国王孟云(Bodawpaya,1782~1819年在位)企图重新征服阿瑜陀耶,但多次与暹罗人(Siamese)交战皆不幸失败。他将国都迁到附近的阿马拉布拉(Amarapura),还征服了阿拉干王国(Arakan)。後来进犯阿萨姆,惹火了英国人,孟既(Bagyidaw,1819~1837年在位)统治期间,缅甸在第一次英缅战争(Anglo-Burmese War,1824~1826)中败於英国人之手,之後领土逐渐被蚕食,权力逐渐被削弱,1885年英国终於并吞了此王朝。
English version:
Alaungpaya dynasty
Last ruling dynasty of Myanmar. In the face of the fragmentation of the Toungoo dynasty, Alaungpaya (1714-1760), headman in a village near Mandalay, raised an army and subdued the separatist Mon people in southern Myanmar and then conquered the northeastern Shan states. He attacked the Siamese kingdom of Ayutthaya (now in Thailand), but was forced to retreat. His son Hsinbyushin, the third king of the dynasty (r.1763-76), sent armies into neighboring kingdoms and successfully rebuffed four retaliatory Chinese invasions. The sixth king, Bodawpaya (r.1782-1819), mounted a number of unsuccessful campaigns against the Siamese and moved the capital to Amarapura. He also conquered the kingdom of Arakan. His incursions in Assam aroused the ire of the British, and under Bagyidaw (r.1819-37), Myanmar was defeated in the first Anglo-Burmese War. From then on the dynasty's hold on Myanmar gradually declined, ending in total annexation by the British in 1885.