多瑙河(Danube River)
欧洲中部河流。为欧洲第二大河(仅次於窝瓦河〔Volga〕),源出德国的黑森林(Black Forest),全长1,770哩(2,850公里),流经奥地利、斯洛伐克、匈牙利(Hungary)、克罗埃西亚、南斯拉夫、保加利亚、罗马尼亚和摩尔多瓦(Moldova)等国,注入黑海(Black Sea)。有许多支流,包括德拉瓦河(Drava)、提苏河(Tisza)和萨瓦河(Sava)等。自古以来一直是中欧到东欧的重要河道,下游是重要的水上运输管道,上游则是重要的水力发电来源。1948年由沿河岸各国成立一常态机构,以监督河流的使用情形。1970年代在罗马尼亚的铁门峡(Iron Gate Gorge)建立了一座大型的水电站。1992年通航的运河从多瑙河畔的克尔海姆(Kelheim)连接到美因河(Main River)的班贝格(Bamberg),使北海和黑海间得以通航。
English version:
Danube River
SlovakDunajSerbo-Croatian and BulgarianDunavRomanianDunareaRussianDunayRiver, central Europe. The second-longest European river (after the Volga), it rises in Germany's Black Forest and flows about 1,770 mi (2,850 km) to the Black Sea, passing along or through Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Moldova. Its many tributaries include the Drava, Tisza, and Sava rivers. It has been an important highway between central and eastern Europe from antiquity. The lower Danube is a major avenue for freight transport, and the upper Danube is an important source of hydroelectricity. A regulatory body that consists of its riparian nations was established in 1948 to oversee its use. A major hydroelectric and navigation complex was built in the 1970s at Iron Gate Gorge in Romania. A canal linking Kelheim on it and Bamberg on the Main River, allowing traffic to flow between the North and Black seas, was completed in 1992.
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