
杂烩百科2023-02-02 18:09:35百科


由两个队伍(每队五人)用一颗充气球在一座长方形球场进行的一种球类运动。每一方都力求把球投入对方篮板上的球篮。投篮成功记两分,若从一定距离以外投篮成功则得三分。接触、妨碍对方球员即为犯规,应由被侵犯的对方队员罚球一次,罚球进篮记一分。在对手投篮时犯规,则罚球两次。职业赛分四节,每节十二分钟,大学联赛则分上下半场,每半场各二十分钟。篮球是麻萨诸塞州春田市的奈史密斯在1891年发明的,不久马上风行於各大学。全国大学生体育协会锦标赛是在正规大学赛季後挑出六十四支队伍参加一系列的淘汰赛,最後产生全国冠军,由於比赛进行得十分狂热,鹿死谁手难料,所以赢得「疯狂三月」的昵称。女子大学联盟赛也是类似的比赛。男子职业联盟在1898年成立,但一直都没有造成风潮,直到1949年重组为全国篮球协会(NBA)。美国篮球协会(American Basketball Association, ABA)於1967年成立,但在1976年与NBA合并。女子篮球协会(WNBA)在1997年成立。职业篮球球季是从10月到翌年的4月,最後决赛和冠军赛延续到6月。篮球名人堂位於春田市。


Court game between two teams of five players each who score by tossing, or shooting, an inflated ball through a raised hoop, or basket, located in their opponent's end of the court. A goal is worth two points, three if shot from outside a specified limit. A free throw worth one point is awarded to any player fouled (through unwarranted physical contact) by another, two free throws if the foul occurs during the act of shooting. Professional games are divided into 12-minute quarters, collegiate games into 20-minute halves. Introduced in 1891 by James A. Naismith in Springfield, Mass., basketball quickly became a popular collegiate sport. The National Collegiate Athletic Assn. (NCAA) tournament following the regular college season pits 64 select teams in a series of elimination rounds to determine a national champion; so frenzied and unpredictable is the play that the tournament has earned the nickname “March Madness.” Women's collegiate play is similarly organized. A men's professional league was organized in 1898 but did not gain much of a following until 1949, when it was reconstituted as the National Basketball Assn. (NBA). An American Basketball Association (ABA) was set up in 1967, but was merged with the NBA in 1976. The Women's Basketball Association (WNBA) was organized in 1997. The professional basketball season runs from October to April, with play-offs and championship matches extending into June. A Basketball Hall of Fame is located in Springfield.


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