Ford, Gerald R.
全名为Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.,原名Leslie Lynch King, Jr.。
美国第三十八任总统(1974~1977)。幼年时父母离婚,母亲再嫁老福特(Gerald R. Ford, Sr.),改用今名。曾在密西根大学求学,1941年在耶鲁大学获法学士学位,第二次世界大战後在密西根州开业当律师。1948年选入美国众议院,1965年成为少数党领袖。1973年安格纽(S. T. Agnew)辞职後,尼克森提名他为副总统;1974年尼克森因水门事件被迫辞职,由他继任总统,成为美国历史上第一位未经选举而担任副总统、总统的人。一个月後他完全赦免尼克森在职时可能「对合众国犯下的一切罪行」;为了安抚越来越扩大的愤怒情绪,他主动向国会小组委员会说明理由。他的政府成功的逐步处理了前尼克森政府留下来的高通货膨胀问题。福特在任内共行使了五十多次否决权,其中有四十多次成立,由此可以看出他与民主党主控的国会之间的关系。1975年在越战最後几天,他下令空运难民,总数达237,000人,大部运至美国。由於对水门事件的处理失当,导致他在1976年竞选连任时败给了卡特。
English version:
Ford, Gerald R.
38th president of the U.S. (1974-77). Born in Omaha, Neb., he was an infant when his parents divorced, and his mother later married Gerald R. Ford. He attended the University of Michigan and Yale law school, and practiced law in Michigan after World War II. He served in the U.S. House of Representative 1948-73, becoming minority leader in 1965. After Spiro Agnew resigned as vice president in 1973, Richard Nixon nominated Ford to fill the vacant post. When the Watergate scandal forced Nixon's departure, Ford became the first president who had not been elected to either the vice presidency or the presidency. A month later he pardoned Nixon; to counter widespread outrage, he voluntarily appeared before a House subcommittee to explain his action. His administration gradually lowered the high inflation rate it inherited. Ford's relations with the Democratic-controlled Congress were typified by his more than 50 vetoes, of which more than 40 were sustained. In the final days of the Vietnam War in 1975, he ordered an airlift of 237,000 anti-Communist Vietnamese refugees, most of whom came to the U.S. Reaction against Watergate contributed to his defeat by Jimmy Carter in 1976.
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