Pretorius, Andries
南非布尔人大迁徙中的着名领袖,来自英国控制的开普殖民地,後成为纳塔尔和特兰斯瓦地区的军事与政治统治人物。比勒陀利乌斯的军队1838年在血河战役、1840年在马格诺战役两次打败祖鲁人。1842年他在反对英国吞并纳塔尔的战斗中失利。1848年英国吞并特兰斯瓦之後,他的军队再度发起进攻但又遭失败。1852年他参加了桑德河会议,在这次会议上特兰斯瓦的独立获得了承认。他还领导了争取橘河主权国独立的谈判,并於1854年的布隆方丹会议上得到最终承认。其子马西纳斯.维塞尔.比勒陀利乌斯(Marthinus Wessel Pretorius, 1819~1901)是南非共和国的第一位总统(1857、1864、1869),也是橘自由邦的总统(1859~1863)。英国吞并特兰斯瓦後,马西纳斯加入造反的布尔人领袖之列,帮助赢得了独立。直到1883年克鲁格当选总统之前,马西纳斯一直是三头统治的一员。
English version:
Pretorius, Andries
Boer leader in the Great Trek from British-dominated Cape Colony who became the dominant military and political figure in Natal and the Transvaal. Pretorius's forces defeated the Zulu at Blood River in 1838 and at Magono in 1840. In 1842 he led an unsuccessful fight with the British over the annexation of Natal. Following British annexation of Transvaal in 1848, his forces again attacked and were again defeated. In 1852 he participated in the Sand River Convention, where Transvaal independence was recognized. He led negotiations for independence of the Orange River Sovereignty, finally guaranteed by the Bloemfontein Convention of 1854. His son Marthinus Wessel Pretorius (1819-1901) was the first president of the South African Republic (1857, 1864, 1869) and president of the Orange Free State (1859-63). After British annexation of the Transvaal, Marthinus joined insurgent Boer leaders and helped win recognition of its independence. He was a member of the ruling triumvirate until the election of Paul Kruger as president in 1883.