1933~1945年纳粹党对犹太人及其他少数民族的迫害,特点是德国统治下扩张领土的方法越来越野蛮,而在企图消灭欧洲犹太人的「最後解决」中达到最高潮。希特勒出任首相後不久,即开始迫害德国境内的犹太人。在「纽伦堡法令」(1935)之下,犹太人失去了公民资格。而在1938年的「水晶之夜」(Kristallnacht)计画中,德国境内的犹太会堂几乎全部被毁,此後犹太人被囚禁於集中营。第二次世界大战最初几年德国战胜,使欧洲大部分犹太人处於德国及其附属国的统治之下。随着德军东进波兰、巴尔干半岛和苏联,被称为特遣部队(Einsatzgruppen)的行刑队开始围捕、杀戮犹太人、吉普赛人和众多非犹太裔斯拉夫人,其他被纳粹党锁定的团体包括同性恋者、心智迟缓者、身体残障者以及精神异常者。万塞会议(1942)後,欧洲各占领区的犹太人被有系统地撤至集中营与灭绝营。地下抵抗运动在几个国家展开,而在波兰的犹太人聚居区爆发了反抗占压倒优势的强敌的起义(参阅Warsaw Ghetto Uprising)。瓦伦贝里(R. Wallenberg)等人则以一己之力拯救了成千上万的人,但各同盟国政府却无法为犹太人提供有效的援助。到战争结束为止,约有六百万犹太人被杀。
English version:
Era of Nazi persecution of Jews and other minorities (1933-45), marked by increasing barbarization of methods in the expanding territories under German rule. It climaxed in the “final solution,” the attempted extermination of European Jewry. Adolf Hitler's persecution of Jews in Germany began soon after he became chancellor. Under the Nuremberg Laws (1935), Jews lost their citizenship. Almost every synagogue in Germany was destroyed in the Kristallnacht pogrom in 1938, and thereafter Jews were imprisoned in concentration camps. German victories in the early years of World War II brought most of European Jewry under the Nazis and their satellites. As German armies moved eastward into Poland, the Balkans, and the Soviet Union, special mobile killing units, the Einsatzgruppen, rounded up and killed Jews, Gypsies, and many non-Jewish Slavs; other groups targeted by the Nazis included homosexuals, the mentally retarded, physically disabled, and emotionally disturbed. After the Wannsee Conference (1942), Jews from all over occupied Europe were systematically evacuated to concentration and extermination camps. Underground resistance movements were active in several nations, and Jewish risings took place against overwhelming odds in the ghettos of Poland (see Warsaw Ghetto Uprising). Individuals such as Raoul Wallenberg saved thousands by their efforts, but the Allied governments failed to provide effective aid to the Jews. By the end of the war, an estimated six million Jews had been killed.
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